
Connect iOS SDK 1.0.47

We have updated the iOS version of the Connect library. To switch to the latest version, update the package dependencies in your project.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a validation issue with XCFramework signature.
  • Fixed an issue with Swift Package checksum.

Our environment for this release

  • Xcode 16.1
  • MacOS 15.0.1
  • iOS 13.x to 18.x

Supported architectures:

  • simulator (arm64, x86_64)
  • device (arm64)

Known issues

  • The library captures gestures even when the gestureRecognizer is set to NO. This is an Apple defect.
  • On iPadOS, only single-window applications are supported.
  • The pink boarder on the Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER because of timing or garbage collection.
  • Template issue. The back link is missing during capture on some screens: Progressindicator, AlertViewController, the Gestures screenview and picker view.
  • Template issue. The battery icon is not visible in green anymore.
  • Improvement. connectionType remains N/A if the device is using Wi-Fi when the app starts.
  • DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of a temp queue.
  • Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON for devices with Dual SIM is a beta feature. It is not fully used in reporting.
  • If your iOS app is build on the React Native framework, keep in mind that there is an issue with dynamic builds. We will use a static version instead.
  • Certain types of alerts may be replayed incorrectly.
  • If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels.