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API reference
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API reference
Acoustic Campaign
Shopping cart activity
Privacy and GDPR
Perform CCPA and GDPR Right of Access with APIs
Perform CCPA and GDPR Right to Erasure with APIs
GDPR support for Cordova
Re-initialize the SDK after a GDPR request for erasure
Troubleshooting SDK configuration
TLS 1.2 Migration for Mobile Push Clients
Transactional Triggered Messaging
Transact XML Overview
Transact maintenance and operation
XML General Submit Element Definitions
XML Recipient and Content Element Definitions
XML Submit Document
XML Response Document
Error Codes in XML Response Documents
Transact XML Response Document schema
XML Response Error Element Defintions
XML Recipient and Content Error Elements
Getting started with Transact Attachments
Message Scripting
Getting started with Transact XML Message Scripting
Using Message Scripting
Using helpers in message scripting
Message scripting HTML and text limitations
Transact HTTP Maximum Recipient Count
Create and send dynamic email messages using Transact XML Message Scripting
Troubleshooting for Transact XML Message Scripting
Downtime Mode Request and Response
Troubleshooting Transact XML issues
Troubleshooting and support for Transact XML Message Scripting
Transact Technical Issues
Transact XML Troubleshooting
Transact XML Errors and Exceptions
Getting started with Transact BCC
Normal Mode Request and Response
External APIs in the SMS Campaign Manager
mGage Gateway API
mGage WebMO API
Export messages REST API
SMS Campaign Manager external API
Karix SMS JSON API user guide
Mobile Campaign
Release notes for Acoustic Campaign mobile SDKs
Historical release notes
Required baseURL Changes
Notification actions
Register an action through a JSON file
Calendar plugin
Carousel plugin
Display web action plugin
Snooze action plugin
Custom actions
Action categories
Inbox content
In-app content
Device Location Awareness (DLA)
Configure Android notification preferences for native and hybrid Android apps
Configuration (MceConfig.json)
Add a secret trigger to display debug information
Collect SDK information from an app install
Best practices for customizing mobile app messages
Send a mobile app message to multiple devices using a lookup key field
Payload examples
Silent data push notification
Campaign SDK for iOS
Privacy manifests
Build the iOS sample app
Add the iOS SDK to your app
Add the Notification Service Framework to a native iOS project
Integrate iOS SDK with Firebase using Swift
Customize mobile app messages for iOS apps
Creating custom actions for mobile app messages
iOS SDK Status
Campaign SDK for Android
Add the Campaign SDK to your Android app
Modify the SDK initialization control for alternate Android integration
Configure automatic plug-in detection and registration
Use ProGuard with the Acoustic Mobile App Messaging SDK
Using a custom messaging service for Android
Troubleshooting SDK configuration
Android Inbox Unread Badging
Inbox control API additions for Android
Android SDK messaging API
Configure expandable notifications
Disable or modify automated backups for your Android app
How to configure the SDK media cache control (Android)
Custom processing for Android inbox & inapp messages
Android SDK message sync API
Manage Android permissions, services, and receivers
Creating custom actions for mobile app messages
Campaign SDK for Apache Cordova
Integrate the Campaign Cordova SDK into your app
Manually integrate the Apache Cordova plug-in
Build a sample app to evaluate the Campaign Cordova SDK
Campaign SDK for React Native
Add the Campaign SDK to your React Native app
Build a sample app for the Campaign React Native SDK
Removing UIWebView references from React Native SDK 3.8.0
Manually add and configure frameworks
Campaign SDK for Flutter
Add the Flutter plug-in to your app
Build the sample Flutter app
iOS Notification service for Flutter
Migrate and upgrade SDKs
Migrate Campaign SDK for iOS
Migrate Campaign SDK for iOS to version 3.8.2
Migrate Campaign SDK for iOS to 3.8.1
Migrate Campaign SDK for Android to the latest version
Migrate Android Campaign SDK 3.8.5 to version 3.8.6
Migrate and upgrade Campaign SDK for Cordova
Upgrade the Cordova plugins
Migrate Cordova plugin from 3.6.5 to 3.8.0
Migrate Campaign SDK for React Native to the latest version
Migrate Campaign SDK for Flutter