You can specify contacts' consent statuses when adding them to your audience. Use the Create contacts mutation with additional fields.

There are two approaches to registering consent for contacts:

  • by adding the contacts to respective consent groups
  • by subscribing them to channels.

These approaches are mutually exclusive. You cannot use both for the same contact.


  • To create a contact, you must submit a unique ID and at least one addressable attribute for them (the one that has a channel defined).
  • To create a contact with the opt-in status, you must provide the addressable value for each channel that has the contact's consent. For example, to set consent for the Email channel, you must submit the contact's email address. For more information about consent statuses, see Consent.

Approach A: add contacts with consent group membership

The following example demonstrates how to add new contacts to your audience and register them in several consent groups. Note that we set the OPT_IN status for the first consent group. In the second consent group, we limit preference to a particular channel within the consent group (EMAIL).

mutation {
    contactsInput: [
        attributes: [
          { name: "First Name", value: "Alice" }
          { name: "Last Name", value: "Brown" }
          { name: "Unique ID", value: "DDE_98716455" }
          { name: "Email Address", value: "[email protected]" }
        consent: {
          consentGroups: [
            { consentGroupId: "97660d76-02d8-5fd6-xxxx-000000000000", status: OPT_IN }
              consentGroupId: "97660d76-02d8-5fd6-xxxx-000000000000"
              channels: { channel: EMAIL, status: OPT_IN_UNVERIFIED }
  ) {
    items {
  "data": {
    "createContacts": {
      "items": [
          "contactKey": "DDE_98716455"

If you don't have the ID's of consent groups in your audience, use this query.

query {
  dataSets {
    nodes {
      consentGroups {
  "data": {
    "dataSets": {
      "nodes": [
          "consentGroups": [
              "id": "97660d76-02d8-5fd6-0000-11111111aaa11a",
              "name": "Newsletters"
              "id": "97660d76-02d8-5fd6-0000-11111111aaa11a",
              "name": "Promotions"
              "id": "97660d76-02d8-5fd6-0000-11111111aaa11a",
              "name": "Information"
              "id": "97660d76-02d8-5fd6-0000-11111111aaa11a",
              "name": "Custom"

Approach B: submit consent preferences per channel

In this example, we will add a contact and subscribe them to email and text communications.

mutation {
    contactsInput: [
        attributes: [
          { name: "First Name", value: "Tim" }
          { name: "Last Name", value: "Smith" }
          { name: "Email Address", value: "[email protected]" }
          { name: "Unique ID", value: "DDJ_98716421" }
          { name: "Phone Number", value: "+581746657000" }
        consent: {
          channels: [
            { channel: EMAIL, status: OPT_IN_UNVERIFIED }
            { channel: SMS, status: OPT_IN }
  ) {
    items {
  "data": {
    "createContacts": {
      "items": [
          "contactKey": "DDJ_98716421"


Arguments supported by the createContacts mutation

Argument nameInput fieldValuesRequired?Definition
contactsInputattributesArrayRequiredSee the input fields
consentArrayOptionalSee the input fields

Fields nested into the attributes field

nameString (case-sensitive)

⚠️ To check the names of available attributes, use the Get all contact attributes query.
RequiredThe name of the attribute to populate for the contact
valueDepends on the type of attribute RequiredThe value of the attribute

There are 2 fields nested into the consent field: channels and consentGroups. They are mutually exclusive and cannot be submitted together for the same contact.

FieldNested field - level 1Nested field - level 2ValuesDefinition
channelschannelEither of the following values:

The type of communication channel
statusOne of the following values:

Indicates if the contact has agreed to receive communication through the channel.
consentGroupschannelschannelEither of the following values:

The type of communication channel
statusOne of the following values:

Indicates if the contact has agreed to receive communication through the channel.
consentGroupIdStringThe ID of the subscription group to add the contact to
statusOne of the following values:

The contact's status within the subscription group (applies to all of its channels)


Fields returned by the createContacts mutation

FieldNested fieldRequired?Definition
itemscontactKeyRequiredThe unique ID you have assigned to the new contact