Social events

Acoustic Exchange has identified and defined recognized events that typically happen as customers
interact with businesses over social media.

As an endpoint publisher, call to publish the event. The following example illustrates a typical JSON payload.

This example is based on the Facebook Post event.

POST v1/event
  “channel” : “Social”,
  “identifiers” : [            
    “name” : “email”,
    “value” : “”
  “events” : [
    “code” : “x1fbPost”, 
    “timestamp” : “2015-11-03T21:14:12Z”, 
    “attributes” : [
      “name” : “eventName”,            
      “value” : “Facebook Post”,  
      “type” : “string” 
      “name” : “body”,            
      “value” : “”,  
      “type” : “string” 
      “name” : “sentimentScore”,            
      “value” : “3”,  
      “type” : “integer” 
      “name” : “sentiment”,            
      “value” : “negative”,  
      “type” : “string” 

Facebook post

Information that describes a post to Facebook.

Event code: x1fbPost
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Allow Exchange users to understand the event context.
eventIdstringUnique ID to identify the type of event and enable lookup in the system.
eventNamestringFacebook PostName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
brandTagstringThe name of the brand being tracked.
tagsstring<value<Add one or more tags that you define as necessary.
bodystringText body of the post.
sentimentScorenumberNumerical ranking for the sentiment of the post.Yes
sentimentstringOverall sentiment of the post. Example: positive, negative, or neutral.
pageNamestringThe name of the Facebook page being tracked.

Facebook comment

Information that describes a comment on Facebook.

Event code: x1fbComment
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Allow Exchange users to understand the event context.
eventIdstringUnique ID to identify the type of event and enable lookup in the system.
eventNamestringFacebook CommentName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
brandTagstringThe name of the brand being tracked.
tagsstringAdd one more tags that you define as necessary.
bodystringText body of the post.Yes
sentimentScorenumberOverall sentiment of the post. Example, positive, negative, or neutral.
sentimentstringThe name of the Facebook page being tracked.
pageNamestringThe name of the Facebook page being tracked.

Facebook like post

Information that describes a Facebook like posting.

Event code: x1fbPost
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Allow Exchange users to understand the event context.
eventIdstringUnique ID to identify the type of event and enable lookup in the system.
eventNamestringFacebook Like PostName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
brandTagstringThe name of the brand being tracked.
tagsstringAdd one or more tags that you define as necessary.
bodystringText body of the post.Yes

Facebook like page

Information that describes a Facebook like page.

Event code: x1fbLikePage
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Allow Exchange users to understand the event context.
eventIdstringUnique ID to identify the type of event and enable lookup in the system.
eventNamestringFacebook Like PostName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
brandTagstringThe name of the brand being tracked.
tagsstring<value<Add one or more tags that you define as necessary.
pageNamestringThe name of the Facebook page being tracked.

Twitter shared

Information to describe what happens when an individual shares a tweet that is related to a tracked product or brand.

Event code: x1twitterShared
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Allow Exchange users to understand the event context.
eventIdstringUnique ID to identify the type of event and enable lookup in the system.
eventNamestringTwitter sharedName of the event as it appears in the Acoustic Exchange user interface.Yes
brandTagstringThe name of the brand being tracked.
tagsstringThe name of the brand being tracked.
sentimentScorenumberNumerical ranking for the sentiment of the tweet.
sentimentstringOverall sentiment of the shared tweet. Example: positive, negative, or neutral.

Twitter tweeted

Information to describe a tweet that is related to a tracked brand or

Event code: x1twitterTweeted
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Exchange users to understand the event context.
eventIdstringUnique ID to identify the type of event and enable lookup in the system.
eventNamestringTwitter TweetedName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
brandTagstringThe name of the brand being tracked.
tagsstringAdd one or more tags that you define as necessary.
sentimentScorenumberNumerical ranking for the sentiment of the tweet.
sentimentstringOverall sentiment of the tweet. Example: positive, negative, or neutral.
bodystringText body of the tweet.

Twitter retweeted

Information to describe a re-tweet.

Event code: x1twitterRetweeted
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Allow Exchange users to understand the event context.
eventIdstringUnique ID to identify the type of event and enable lookup in the system.
eventNamestringTwitter RetweetedName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
brandTagstringAdd one or more tags that you define as necessary.
tagsstringAdd one or more tags that you define as necessary.
sentimentScorestringNumerical ranking for the sentiment of the retweet.
sentimentnumberNumerical ranking for the sentiment of the retweet.
bodystringText body of the retweet.

Twitter mentioned

Information to describe mention of a brand or product in a tweet or retweet.

Event code: x1twitterMentioned
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Allow Exchange users to understand the event context.
eventIdstringUnique ID to identify the type of event and enable lookup in the system.
eventNamestringTwitter MentionedName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
brandTagstringThe name of the brand being tracked.
mentionedNamestringThe handle of the Twitter user (@username) being mentioned.
tagsstringAdd one or more tags that you define as necessary.
sentimentScorenumberNumerical ranking for the sentiment of the tweet.
sentimentstring<valueOverall sentiment of the tweet. Example: positive, negative, or neutral.
bodystringText body of the tweet.

Twitter replied

Information that describes a Twitter reply that is related to a product or

Event code: x1twitterReplied
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event.
eventIdstringUnique ID to identify the type of event and enable lookup in the system.
eventNamestringTwitter RepliedName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
brandTagstringThe name of the brand being tracked.
tagsstringAdd one more more tags that you define as necessary.
sentimementScorenumberNumerical ranking for the sentiment of the reply.
sentimentstringOverall sentiment of the reply. Example: positive, negative, or neutral.
bodystringText body of the reply.

Twitter followed

Information that relates to a twitter user who starts to follow the Twitter feed for a product or brand.

Event code: x1twitterFollowed
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Allow Exchange users to understand the event context.
eventIdstringIdentify the type (name) of the conversion that occurred. Example: form download.
eventNamestringTwitter FollowedName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.
brandTagstringThe name of the brand being tracked.
tagsstringAdd one or more tags that you define necessary.

Twitter favorited

Event Code: x1twitterFavorited
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Allow Exchange users to understand the event context.
eventIdstringIdentify the type event that occurred. Example: favorite.
eventNamestringTwitter FollowedName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
brandTagstringThe name of the brand being tracked.
tagsstringAdd one or more tags that you define as necessary.

Instagram like post

Information to describe a like posting on Instagram that relates to a product or brand.

Event code: x1instagramLikePost
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Allow Exchange users to understand the event context.
eventIdstringUnique ID to identify the type of event and enable lookup in the system.
eventNamestringInstagram Like PostName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
postTypestringThe type of Instagram post (photo or video)
brandTagstringThe name of the brand being tracked.
tagsstringAdd one or more tags that you define as neccessary.
sentimentScorenumberNumerical ranking of for the sentiment of the post.
sentimentstringOverall sentiment of the post. Example: positive, negative, or neutral.
bodystringText body of the post.

Instagram comment

Information to describe a comment on Instagram that relates to a brand or

Event code: x1instagramComment
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Allow Exchange users to understand the event context.
eventIdstringUnique ID to identify the type of event and enable look up in the system.
eventNamestringInstagram CommentName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
postTypestringThe type of Instagram post. (photo or video)
brandTagstringThe name of the brand being tracked.
tagsstringAdd one or more tags that you define as necessary.
sentimentScorenumberNumerical ranking of the sentiment of the comment.
sentimentstringOverall sentiment of the comment. Example: positive, negative, or neutral.
bodystringText body of the comment.

Instagram followed

Information to describe the event of an Instagram account that relates to a brand or product being followed by a customer.

Event code: x1instagramFollowed
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Allow Exchange users to understand the event context.
eventIdstringUnique ID to identify the type of event and enable lookup in the system.
eventNamestringInstagram FollowedName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
userTagstringThe Instagram user account being followed by another Instagram user.
brandTagstringThe name of the brand being tracked.
tagstringAdd one or more tags that you define as necessary.
deviceTypestringMOBILEPHONEThe device used to follow the Instagram account.
campaignNamestringSpring CampaignThe name of the marketing campaign related to the Instagram followed event
latitudestring42.5492895The latitude of the user when the followed the Instagram account.
longitudestring-71.4716739The longitude of the user when they followed te Instagram account.

Instagram hastag

Information that describes a customer using a special Instagram hashtag that relates to a
product or brand.

Event code: x1instagramHashtag
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event to allow the user to better understand the context of the event.
eventIdstring12345Unique ID to identify the type of event and enable lookup in the system.
eventNamestringInstagram HashtagName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
hashTagstringThe special hashtag related to the product or brand.
brandTagstringThe name of the brand being tracked.
tagstringAdd one or more tags that you define as necessary.
bodystringThe full text of the post.
campaignNamestringSpring CampaignThe name of the marketing campaign related the Instagram hashtag event.

Viewed coupon

Information that relates to an individual viewing a coupon offered by a product or brand.

Event code: couponViewed
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Allow Exchange users to understand then event context.
eventIdstringUnique ID to identify the type of event and enable lookup in the system.
eventNamestringViewed CouponName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
mailingIdnumber12345ID of the mailing that was used to send the offer.
pageNamestringName of the offer or coupon.

Claimed coupon

Information that relates to an individual claiming a coupon offered by a product or brand.

Event code: couponClaimed
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Allow Exchange users to understand the event context.
eventIdstringUnique ID to identify the type of event and enable the lookup in the system.
eventNamestringClaimed CouponName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
mailingIdnumber12345ID of the mailing that was used to send the offer.
mailingNamestringName of the mailing that was used to send the offer.
campaignIdstringIdentifies the specific marketing effort. Usually unique but might have multiple view IDs within a campaign.
campaignNamestringName of the campaign. Often the name of the coupon.
claimIdnumberUnique ID of the specific coupon being claimed.
itemNamestringName of the specific item claimed within the coupon.
ItemDescstringDescription of the item that is being claimed.
imageURLstringOnline location of the public image of the item that is being claimed.

Redeemed coupon

Information that relates to an individual redeeming a coupon offered by a product or brand.

Event code: couponRedeemed
Event attributes

Attributed NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Allow Exchange users to understand the event context.
eventIdstring6789Unique ID to identify the type of event and enable lookup in the system.
eventNamestringRedeemed CouponName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.
mailingIdnumber12345ID of the mailing that was used to send the offer.
mailngNamestringName of the mailing that used to send the offer.
CampaignIdstringName of the mailing that was used to send the offer.
campaingNamestringSpring CampaignName of the campaign. Often the name of the coupon.
itemNamestringOffice ChairName of the specific item claimed within the coupon.
redemptionIdstringThe description of the item that was claimed.

Connected with social

Information that describes a customer connecting with a social networking site related to a product or brand.

Event code: connectedSocial
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event to allow the user to better understand the context of the event.
eventIdstring12345Unique ID to identify the type of event and enable lookup in the system.Yes
eventNamestringConnected with SocialName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.
brandTagstringThe name of the brand being tracked.
userTypestringFirst Time UserThe type of customer connect event.
socialPlatformstringTwitterThe social network platform the customer is using.
deviceTypestringMOBILEPHONEThe device used to make the connection.
campaignNamestringSpring CampaignThe name of the marketing campaign related to the Twitter hashtag event.

Disconnected from social

Information that describes a customer disconnecting with a social networking site related to a product or brand.

Event code: disconnectedSocial
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event to allow the user to better understand the context of the event.
eventIdstring12345Unique ID to identify the type of event and enable lookup in the system.
eventNamestringConnected with SocialName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
brandTagstringThe name of the brand being tracked.
userTypestringFirst Time UserThe type of customer connect event.
socialPlatformstringTwitterThe social network platform the customer is using.
deviceTypestringMOBILEPHONEThe device used to make the connection.
campaignNamestringSpring CampaignThe name of the marketing campaign related the Twitter hashtag event.

Question answered

Information that describes a customer answering a question in a survey or quiz format.

Event code: x1questionAnswered
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event to allow the user to better understand the context of the event.
eventIdstring12345Unique ID to identify the type of event and enable lookup in the system.
eventNamestringQuestion AnsweredName of the event as it appears in the Acoustic Exchange user interface.Yes
questionTextstringThe text of a question in the survey.
answerTextstringAnswer 1, Answer 2One or more survey answers separated by commas.
correctnessstring1The correctness of the questions answered with “0” meaning incorrect and “1” meaning correct.
propertyNamestringGenderA property name that is independent of the wording of a question.
bundleNamestringIf this question is part of a multi-question survey or quiz, this is the name for the
question bundle.
brandTagstringThe name of the brand being tracked.
tagsstringAdd one or more tags that you define as necessary.
campaignNamestringSpring CampaignThe name of the marketing campaign related to the survey or quiz.

Referred or shared link

Information that describes one customer referring or sharing a link, related to a product or brand, that other individuals have followed.

Event code: x1link Referrel
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
descriptionstringDescription of the published event to allow the user to better understand the context of the event.
eventIdstring12345Unique ID to identify the type of event and enable lookup in the system.
eventNamestringQuestion AnsweredName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
linkURLstringThe URL that is referred or linked to.
referralNumberstring12The number of unique individuals who have followed the link.
conversation Numberstring10The number of downstream conversations.
brandTagstringThe name of the brand being tracked?
tagsstringAdd one or more tags that you define as necessary.
campaignNamestringSpring CampaignThe name of the marketing campaign related to the referred or shared link.