Identity management APIs
Acoustic Exchange provides a two types of identity management APIs, identity and identityFilters. You can use the identity management APIs to manage identity data that is distributed by Exchange.
v1/identityFilters API
Use Exchange identityFilters API to manage identity data that is distributed by Exchange.
GET /v1/identityfilters
Get a list of the identity filters that exist on Exchange for an endpoint.
About this API
You can define identity filters to prevent specified identifiers from being sent to destination endpoints. Call GET v1/identityfilters to get details for one or more identity filters that exist in Exchange for the endpoint that is associated with the authentication key that is used as the authorization bearer for the API call.
The response separately identifies each identity filter, the identifier that is filtered, and indicates whether the filter applies to all destination endpoints, or to a specific destination endpoint.
Direct the API call to the base URL that is assigned to your Exchange account.
Example request (as a curl command):
curl -v
-H "Authorization: Bearer 1234-abcd-5678-efgh"
<base URL>/v1/identityfilters
GET v1/identityfilters provides responses as follows.
JSON | Output (see notes below) |
[ { "endpointFilterId": , | A. Identify the filter |
"endpointId": , | B. Identify the endpoint |
"identifierName": "", "publishFilter": <true | false>, "subscribeFilter": <true | false> } ] | C. Describe the filter |
Repeat the JSON for each filter that is defined for the endpoint.
A: Identify the filter
Property | Data type | Valid value | Description |
endpointFilterID | string | ID value, as defined by Exchange | Exchange assigns a unique ID to each endpoint filter. Each filter limits syndication of a single identifier. |
B. Identify the endpoint
Property | Data type | Valid value | Description |
endpointId | string | ID value, as defined by Exchange | The ID of the endpoint for which the identity filter is defined. |
C: Describe the filter
Property | Data type | Valid value | Description |
identifierName | string | As defined in the Acoustic Exchange identity store | The name of the identifier that is filtered. |
publishFilter | boolean | true | false | If true: Exchange processes the identifier as submitted by an event or audience source but does not send the identifier to any destination endpoint. If false: the value for subscribeFilter must be true. |
subscribeFilter | boolean | true | false | If true: Exchange processes the identifier as submitted by an event or audience source but does not send the identifier to the endpoint that is specified by the endpointID property. If false: the value for publishFilter must be true. |
GET /v1/identityfilters/{identifierName}
Get the identity filter that exists on an endpoint for a specific identifier.
About this API
You can define identity filters to prevent specified identifiers from being sent to destination endpoints. Call GET v1/identityfilters/{identifierName} to get details for a specific identity filter that exists on an endpoint that is associated with the authentication key
that is used as the authorization bearer for the API call.
When you include a specific identifier as a URL parameter in the API call, the response provides details for the specific identity filter.
Direct the API call to the base URL that is assigned to your Acoustic Exchange account.
Example request (as a curl command):
curl -v
-H "Authorization: Bearer 1234-abcd-5678-efgh"
<base URL>/v1/identityfilters/{identifier name}
GET v1/identityfilters/{identifierName} provides a response as follows. The response provides details for a single identity filter.
If there are no filters on the endpoint for the identifier that you specify, the API returns 400 - Invalid request.
JSON | Output (see notes below) |
[ { "endpointFilterId": , | A. Identify the filter |
endpointId": , | B. Identify the endpoint |
"identifierName": "", "publishFilter": <true | false>, "subscribeFilter": <true | false> } ] | C. Describe the filter |
Repeat the JSON for each filter that is defined for the endpoint.
A: Identify the filter
Property | Data type | Valid value | Description |
endpointFilterId | string | ID value, as defined by Exchange. | Exchange assigns a unique ID to each endpoint filter. Each filter limits syndication of a single identifier. |
B: Identify the endpoint
Property | Data type | Valid value | Description |
endpointFilterId | string | ID value, as defined by Exchange. | Exchange assigns a unique ID to each endpoint filter. Each filter limits syndication of a single identifier. |
C. Describe the filter
Property | Data type | Valid value | Description |
identifierName | string | As defined in the Acoustic Exchange identity store | The name of the identifier that is filtered. |
publisherFilter | boolean | true | false | If true: Exchange processes the specified identifier as submitted by an event or audience source but does not send the identifier to any destination endpoint. If false: the value for subscribeFilter must be true. |
subscribeFilter | boolean | true | false | If true: Exchange processes the specified identifier as submitted by an event or audience source but does not send the identifier to the endpoint that is specified by the endpointID property. If false: the value for publishFilter must be true. |
POST /v1/identityfilters
Add one or more identity filters to Acoustic Exchange for an endpoint.
About this API
You can define identity filters to prevent specified identifiers from being sent to destination endpoints. Call POST v1/identityfilters to add one or more identity filters to Acoustic Exchange for the endpoint that is associated with the authentication key that is used as the authorization bearer for the API call.
When you make the API call, you specify the name of the identifier that is filtered.
Direct the API call to the base URL that is assigned to your Acoustic Exchange account.
Example request (as a curl command):
curl -v
-H "Authorization: Bearer 1234-abcd-5678-efgh"
-d ' [{"identifierName":"<identifier name>","publishFilter":<boolean>,
<base URL>/v1/identityfilters
JSON | Requirements (see notes below) |
[ { "identifierName":"", "publishFilter":<true | false>, "subscribeFilter":<true | false> } ] | A. Describe the new filter |
A: Describe the new filter
Specify the name of the identifier that you want to change. When you make the call, you can
change the whether the filter applies to all destination endpoints or to a single endpoint.
Property | Data type | Valid value | Description |
identifierName | string | The name of the identifier. | The identity name that was defined during event or endpoint registration. |
publishFilter | boolean | true | false | If true: Acoustic Exchange processes the identifier when submitted by a source endpoint, but Acoustic Exchange does not send the identifier to any destination endpoint. If false: the value for subscribeFilter must be true. |
subscribeFilter | boolean | true | false | If true: Acoustic Exchange processes the identifier when submitted by a source endpoint, but Acoustic Exchange does not send the identifier to the endpoint that is specified by the endpointID property. If false: the value for publishFilter must be true. |
PUT /v1/identityfilters
Change an identity filter for an endpoint.
About this API
You can define identity filters to prevent specified identifiers from being sent to destination endpoints. Call PUT v1/identityfilters to replace an identity filter that is defined for the endpoint that is associated with the authentication key that is used as the authorization bearer for the API call.
Direct the API call to the base URL that is assigned to your Exchange account.
Example request (as a curl command):
curl -v
-H "Authorization: Bearer 1234-abcd-5678-efgh"
-d ' [{"identifierName":"<identifier name>","publishFilter":<boolean>,
<base URL>/v1/identityfilters
JSON | Requirements (see notes below |
[ { "identifierName":"", "publishFilter":<true | false>, "subscribeFilter":<true | false> } ] | A. Describe the replacement filter filter |
A: Describe the replacement filter
Property | Data type | Valid value | Description |
identifierName | string | The name of the identifier. | The identity name that was defined during event or endpoint registration. |
publishFilter | boolean | true | false | If true: Acoustic Exchange processes the identifier when submitted by a source endpoint, but Acoustic Exchange does not send the identifier to any destination endpoint. If false: the value for subscribeFilter must be true. |
subscribeFilter | boolean | true | false | If true: Exchange processes the identifier when submitted by a source endpoint, but Exchange does not send the identifier to the endpoint that is specified by the endpointID property. If false: the value for publishFilter must be true. |
DELETE /v1/identityfilters/{identifier}
Remove an identity filter from an endpoint.
About this API
You can remove identity filters that have been defined for Acoustic Exchange endpoints. Call DELETE v1/identityfilters/{identifier} to remove an identity filter from an Exchange for the endpoint that is associated with the authentication key that is used as the authorization bearer for the API call.
You must remove identity filters individually by making a separate DELETE call for each filter that you want to remove.
Direct the API call to the base URL that is assigned to your Exchange account.
Specify the filter to remove by entering the identifier name as a URL parameter.
Specify the endpoint that defines the filter by providing the authentication key that is associated with the endpoint as the authorization bearer in the API call.
Example request (as a curl command):
curl -v
-H "Authorization: Bearer 1234-abcd-5678-efgh"
<base URL>/v1/identityfilters/{<identifier name>}
Query parameter | Use | Description |
identifier | Required | The name of the identifier that is filter by the identity filter that you want to remove. |
Exchange public APIs return standard HTTP 1.1 response codes.
DELETE /v1/jobs/{jobId}/segmentDataFiles/{fileName} provides responses as follows.
Code | Description |
200-299 | True. The filter is deleted successfully from Acoustic Exchange. |
400-499 | There is a problem with the API request. Examine the request for errors. For example: 401: Not authenticated 403: Not authorized |
500-599 | System error. Contact Support for assistance. |
v1/identity API
Use the identity API to manage identity data associated with an x1Id.
GET v1/identity/{x1Id}
Use the GET v1/identity/{x1Id} API to return all identifiers that are associated with an x1Id.
About this API
In Exchange, an x1Id acts as a repository for unique customer identifiers that can be associated with a particular individual. There can be some scenarios where you want to examine different identifiers within an x1Id. For example, if a mistake was made during the event publishing process and that mistake caused an identifier to be associated with an x1Id in error, you can use this API so review its identifiers.
Direct the API call to the base URL that is assigned to your Exchange account.
You must use an endpoint-level authorization key as the authorization bearer in this API call.
Example request (values are presented for example only):
GET <base URL>/v1/identity/{abc123_x1Id}
Exchange public APIs return standard HTTP 1.1 response codes.
GET v1/identity/{x1Id} returns descriptive information for the x1Id that you specified.
Example response (values are presented for example only):
"x1Id": "abc123_x1Id",
{"name": "Email"
"value": "",
"endpointId": 123},
{"name": "cookieId",
"value": "455739626"
"endpointId": 123},
{"name": "userId",
"value": "ub0N4DZ5678NW"
"endpointId": 123}
JSON | Description |
"x1Id": "abc123_x1Id" | A. The name of the x1Id used in the call. An x1Id can hold up to 1000 unique identifiers. |
"identifiers": [ {"name": "Email" "value": "", "endpointId": 123}, {"name": "cookieId", "value": "455739626" "endpointId": 123}, {"name": "userId", "value": "ub0N4DZ5678NW" "endpointId": 123} ] | B. The list of returned identifiers. The list is composed of three parts: thename, value, and endpointId. The name is the type of identifier that is returned. The value is the unique identifier. The endpointId shows which endpoint the identifier came from. |
What to do next
If you have found a specific identifier that is less than accurate, or you believe it be it was
uploaded in error, you can use the GET
/identity?{identifierName}={identifierValue}[&endpointId={endpointId}] API to return a list of all the x1Ids that identifier is associated.
GET v1/identity?{identifierName}={identifierValue}[&endpointId={endpointId}]
You can use the GET v1/identity/?{identifierName}={identifierValue}[&endpointId={endpointId}] to return all of the x1Ids that are associated with a specific identifier.
About this API
In Acoustic Exchange, an x1Id acts as a repository for unique customer identifiers that can be associated with a particular individual.
If a mistake or error is made when you are publishing an identifier to Acoustic Exchange in an event, Acoustic Exchange‘s identity matching service might not function properly. This is due to x1Ids retaining inaccurate or problematic data.
If you suspect that an inaccurate or problematic identifier is associated with more than one x1Id, you can use this API to find that single identifier across all x1Ids associated with an endpoint.
Direct the API call to the base URL that is assigned to your Acoustic Exchange account.
You must use an endpoint-level or an account-level authorization key as the authorization bearer in this API call.
If you use an account-level authorization key, you must provide an endpointId as a query parameter in the request URL.
Example request (values are presented for example only):
GET /v1/identity?{Email}={}[&endpointId={123}]
Acoustic Exchange public APIs return standard HTTP 1.1 response codes.
v1/identity?{identifierName}={identifierValue}[&endpointId={endpointId}] returns descriptive information for the identifier and endpointId that you specified.
Example response (values are presented for example only):
"x1Id": "abc123_x1Id",
{"name": "Email"
"value": "",
"endpointId": 123},
"x1Id": "def456_x1Id",
{"name": "Email"
"value": "",
"endpointId": 123},
JSON | Description |
"x1Id": "abc123_x1Id" | A. One of the x1Ids that was returned by the call. An x1Id can hold up to 1000 unique identifiers. |
"identifiers": [ {"name": "Email" "value": "", "endpointId": 123} ] | B. The identifier that is used in the call. The list is composed of three parts: thename, value, and endpointId. The name is the type of identifier that is returned. The value is the unique identifier. The endpointId shows which endpoint the identifier came from. |
What to do next
If you have determined that there is a problematic identifier associated with one or more x1Ids,
you can delete it by using the DELETE
DELETE v1/identity?{identifierName}={identifierValue}[&endpointId={endpointId}]
Use the DELETE v1/identity?{identifierName}={identifierValue}[&endpointId={endpointId}] API to delete an identifier from all x1Ids associated with an endpoint.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have the correct name identifier that you want to delete. Deleting an identifier removes it from all x1Ids and endpoints that are associated with your application.
To get a list of identifiers associated with a specific x1Id, call
GET v1/identity/{x1Id}. For more information about this API, see GET v1/identity/{x1Id}.
To get a list of x1Ids that contain that are associated with a specific identifier, call GET v1/identity/?{identifierName}={identifierValue}[&endpointId={endpointId}].
For more information about this API, see GET v1/identity/?{identifierName}={identifierValue}[&endpointId={endpointId}]
About this API
In Acoustic Exchange, an x1Id acts as a repository for unique customer identifiers that can be associated with a particular individual.
If a mistake or error is made when you are publishing an identifier to Acoustic Exchange in an event, Acoustic Exchange‘s identity matching service might not function properly. This is due to x1Ids retaining inaccurate or problematic data.
To resolve this issue, you can delete the identifier from all x1Ids and endpoints that are associated with your application by calling the DELETE v1/identity?{identifierName}={identifierValue}[&endpointId={endpointId}] API.
Direct the API call to the base URL that is assigned to your Acoustic Exchange account.
You must use an endpoint-level or an account-level authorization key as the authorization bearer in this API call.
If you use an account-level authorization key, you must provide an endpointId as a query parameter in the request URL.
Example request (values are presented for example only):
DELETE v1/identity?{Email}={}[&endpointId={123}]
Acoustic Exchange public APIs return standard HTTP 1.1 response codes.
v1/identity?{identifierName}={identifierValue}[&endpointId={endpointId}] provides descriptive information in addition to the response code.
Example response:
A number of updated Identities: 1
Updated almost 5 years ago