Jobs API
Use Acoustic Exchange jobs API to manage exchange of audience data through Exchange.
GET /v1/jobs/{jobCategory}
Get a list of one or more waiting jobs, which are identified by category, endpoint ID, or status. This API is used to get jobs that process audience data.
About this API
Call this API to return a list of jobs that are available in Exchange by specifying the job category. For example, SEGMENT_EXPORT. You can further refine the request by specifying an endpoint and job status.
Note: To make this call successfully, you must have access authorization across all endpoints that are registered for the user account.
Direct the API call to the base URL that is assigned to your Exchange account.
You can specify SEGMENT_EXPORT, IDENTITY_IMPORT, or SEGMENT_POPULATE_DB as the job category path parameter. This call also accepts various optional query parameters that you can include to filter the result of the call. You can specify multiple URL parameters in the call. Use the character & to separate query parameters.
For the authorization bearer, you can provide any account-level or endpoint level authentication key that is associated with your Exchange account, unless you specify a particular endpoint. If you specify an endpoint, you must use the account-level authentication key or the specific authentication key signed to the endpoint.
SEGMENT_EXPORT example request (as a curl command):
curl -v
-H "Authorization: Bearer 1234-abcd-5678-efgh"
<base URL>/v1/jobs/SEGMENT_EXPORT?
endpointId=<endpoint ID>&status=<status>
For example, calling
<base URL>/v1/jobs/SEGMENT_EXPORT?endpointId=85&
returns all segment export jobs that are waiting for endpoint 85 to upload
audience data.
Path parameters: Job Category (required) | Description |
SEGMENT_EXPORT | Returns a list of jobs that were created to share audience data from a source endpoint to a destination endpoint and, if specified, upload audience data to the Exchange identity store. |
IDENTITY_IMPORT | Returns a list of jobs that were created to upload audience data to the Exchange identity store only. |
SEGMENT_POPULATE_DB | Returns a list and status of jobs that were created to update audience data that is stored in Exchange databases. |
Query parameters: Endpoint ID (optional) | Description |
endpointID | Specify one endpoint that is registered to the account that is associated with the authentication key that is specified as the Authorization Bearer. |
Query parameters: Status (optional) | Description |
WAITING_TO_RECIEVE_DATA | Exchange is waiting for a segment source to upload audience data. The endpoint must be designated a push segment source. |
SCHEDULED | The job is scheduled. |
PENDING | The job is pending. |
RUNNING | The job is running. |
COMPLETE | The job is finished. |
ERROR | The job is not running because of an error. |
CANCELLED | The job is canceled. |
NOTFOUND | The job was not found with the search criteria that were entered. |
READY_FOR_DOWNLOAD | Exchange has audience data that is ready to be downloaded to an endpoint. The endpoint must be designated a pull segment destination. |
Additional query parameters | Description |
includeProducerSegmentIDString | If the segment source supports a string segment ID, pass this parameter to return producerSegmentIDString. |
extraFields | If the this parameter is set to true, the call returns additional schedule information, such as started, ended, and scheduleDetails. If set to false, the additional information is not included. |
Acoustic Exchange public APIs return standard HTTP 1.1 response codes.
provides responses as follows.
Example response (values are presented for example only):
"daysOfWeek":<day of the week>,
"daysOfMonth":<day of the month>,
"monthsOfYear":<months of the year>,
"year":<the year>,
"startHour":"<the hour to start>",
"startMinute":"<the minute to start>",
"startSecond":"<the second to start>",
"startDate":"<the start date>",
"endDate":<the end date>,
JSON | Output |
jobId | The job ID |
scheduledJobId | The ID of the scheduled job. |
status | Current status of the job at the time of the API call. |
jobName | The job name. |
accountId | The account ID for the Acoustic Exchange user account that owns the endpoints for which the jobs have been created. |
segmentDataFiles | Names of the .csv files that contain the audience data. |
segmentDataFormat | text/csv (default) |
destinationSegmentID | ID of the segment that is downloaded to the destination endpoint. |
destinationSegmentName | Name of a segment that is downloaded to the destination endpoint. |
destinationSegmentDescription | Description of a segment that is downloaded to the destination endpoint. |
destinationEndpointID | ID of an endpoint that accepts the downloaded segment. |
exportCategory | The export category. |
producerEndpointID | ID of an endpoint that produces audience data and uploads it to Exchange. |
producerSegmentID | ID for a segment that is uploaded to Acoustic Exchange. |
producerSegmentIDString | ID string for segments that are uploaded to Exchange |
updateIdentities | As defined by calling POST /v1/jobs/segmentExport or POST /v1/jobs/identityImport. |
sourceIdentifiers | As defined by calling POST /v1/jobs/segmentExport or POST /v1/jobs/identityImport. |
destinationIdentifier | As defined by calling POST /v1/jobs/segmentExport or POST /v1/jobs/identityImport. |
attributeMappings | As defined by calling POST /v1/jobs/segmentExport or POST /v1/jobs/identityImport. |
identityMappings | As defined by calling POST /v1/jobs/segmentExport or POST /v1/jobs/identityImport. |
started | Indicates start time of the job. |
ended | Indicates the end time of the job. If the value is null, the job is ongoing. |
scheduleDetails | The schedule details for the job. The schedule details are defined by calling POST /v1/jobs/segmentExport or POST /v1/jobs/identityImport. |
translatedRecordCount | The number of identities that Acoustic Exchange matched to the audience destination. |
sourceRecordCount | The number of identities that Acoustic Exchange receives from the audience source. |
destinationRecordCount | The number of identities that Acoustic Exchange sends to the audience destination. |
GET /v1/jobs/{jobCategory}/{jobId}
Get a specific job, identified by job category and job ID.
About this API
Call this API to return a specific job that has been created in Acoustic Exchange. You must specify the job category and the job ID for the job that you want to get.
Direct the API call to the base URL that is assigned to your Acoustic Exchange account.
The call accepts job category and job ID as URL parameters.
You can use either the account-level or endpoint-level authentication key as the authorization bearer in the API call. If you specify an endpoint-level authentication key, the results are filtered by endpoint.
Example request (as a curl command):
curl -v
-H "Authorization: Bearer 1234-abcd-5678-efgh"
<base URL>/v1/jobs/<jobCategory>/<jobId>
Query parameter | Use | Description |
jobCategory | Required | Must be one of the following: IDENTITY_IMPORT SEGMENT_EXPORT SEGMENT_POPULATE_DB |
jobId | Required | The job ID of the job that you want to get. |
Acoustic Exchange public APIs return standard HTTP 1.1 response codes.
GET /v1/jobs/{jobCategory}/{jobId} provides descriptive information for the job that you specified, as follows.
Example response (values are presented for example only):
jobId | The job ID. |
scheduledJobId | The ID of the scheduled job. |
status | Status of the job at the time of the API call. |
jobName | The job name. |
accountId | The account ID for the Exchange user account that owns the endpoints for which the jobs have been created. |
segmentDataFiles | Names of the .csv files that contain the audience data. |
segmentDataFormat | text/csv (default) |
destinationSegmentID | ID of the segment that is downloaded to the destination endpoint. |
destinationSegmentName | Name of a segment that is downloaded to the destination endpoint. |
destinationSegmentDescription | Description of a segment that is downloaded to the destination endpoint. |
destinationEndpointID | ID of an endpoint that accepts the downloaded segment. |
exportCategory | The export category. |
producerEndpointID | ID of an endpoint that produces audience data and uploads it to Exchange. |
producerSegmentID | ID for a segment that is uploaded to Exchange. |
producerSegmentIDString | ID string for segments that are uploaded to Exchange. |
attributeMappings | As defined by calling POST /v1/jobs/segmentExport |
identityMappings | As defined by calling POST /v1/jobs/segmentExport |
shareAction | As defined by calling POST /v1/jobs/segmentExport |
updateIdentities | As defined by calling POST /v1/jobs/segmentExport |
sourceIdentifiers | As defined by calling POST /v1/jobs/segmentExport |
started | As defined by calling POST /v1/jobs/segmentExport |
ended | The time that the job started. |
scheduleDetails | If the job is scheduled to repeat, start, or end at a specific time, details of that schedule appear in this field. |
translatedRecordCount | If updateIdentities is set to true, then this field shows the number of identities that Exchange matched to the audience destination. |
sourceRecordCount | If updateIdentities is set to true, then this field shows the number of identities that Exchange receives from the audience source. |
destinationRecordCount | If updateIdentities is set to true, then this field shows the number of identities that Exchange sends to the audience destination. |
POST /v1/jobs/{jobId}/data
Upload audience segment data to a pending SEGMENT_EXPORT job in Acoustic Exchange.
About this API
Call this API to upload audience data from a push type segment producer endpoint to a SEGMENT_EXPORT job that is created in Exchange and is in WAITING_TO_RECEIVE_DATA state. In Exchange, audience data is synonymous with comma-separated value data.
When you call POST /v1/jobs/segmentExport from an endpoint that is configured as a push segment producer, Exchange automatically creates a SEGMENT_EXPORT job and puts the job into WAITING_TO_RECEIVE_DATA state.
You can call GET /v1/jobs/SEGMENT_EXPORT?status=WAITING_TO_RECIEVE_DATA to find the waiting job and then call POST /v1/jobs/{jobId}/data to upload audience segment data to the job in Acoustic Exchange.
Direct the API call to the base URL that is assigned to your Acoustic Exchange account.
The request requires that you provide a job ID as a URL parameter. For example, call POST /v1/jobs/segmentExport or GET /v1/jobs to return a job ID.
You can use either the account-level or endpoint-level authentication key as the authorization bearer in the API call.
Example request (as a curl command):
curl -v
-H "Authorization: Bearer 1234-abcd-5678-efgh"
-d "email,firstName,,jane,smith"
<base URL>/v1/jobs/<jobID>/data
In this request, the value for -d is a list of comma-separated values, or .csv. The .csv is uploaded to the SEGMENT_EXPORT job as audience segment data.
Acoustic Exchange public APIs return standard HTTP 1.1 response codes.
POST /v1/jobs/{jobId}/data provides responses as follows.
Code | Description |
200-299 | Success. Acoustic Exchange returns the job ID of the segment export job that ran to upload the audience data to Acoustic Exchange. |
400-499 | There is a problem with the API request. Examine the request for errors. |
500-599 | System error. Contact Support for assistance. |
Delete audience data files from Exchange after downloading the data to pull-type audience
destination endpoint.
Before you begin
Call GET /v1/jobs/{jobId}/segmentDataFiles/{fileName} to download audience data from Exchange to a destination endpoint. Some files that did not download successfully might remain on Exchange. To maintain efficient operation, you can remove the remaining files by calling DELETE/v1/jobs/{jobId}/segmentDataFiles/{fileName}
About this API
Pull-type endpoints that download audience data from Exchange can call this API to clean up any files that might remain on Exchange after downloading the audience data from Acoustic Exchange.
Direct the API call to the base URL that is assigned to your Exchange account.
The call accepts job category and job ID as URL parameters.
You can use either the account-level authentication key or the endpoint-level authentication key of the destination endpoint as the authorization bearer in the API call.
Example request (as a curl command):
curl -v
-H "Authorization: Bearer 1234-abcd-5678-efgh"
<base URL>/v1/jobs/<jobId>/segmentDateFiles/
<file name>
Query parameters | Description |
jobId | The ID of the job that was created on Exchange to download the audience data. |
file name | Name of the .csv file that contained the audience data that you downloaded from Exchange to the destination endpoint. |
Acoustic Exchange public APIs return standard HTTP 1.1 response codes.
DELETE /v1/jobs/{jobId}/segmentDataFiles/{fileName} provides responses as
Code | Description |
200-299 | Success. The files are deleted successfully from Exchange. |
400-499 | There is a problem with the API request. Examine the request for errors. For example: 401: Not authenticated 403: Not authorized 404: The job or file is unknown |
500-599 | System error. Contact Support for assistance. |
GET /v1/jobs/{jobId}/segmentDataFiles/{fileName}
Pull audience data from Acoustic Exchange to a destination endpoint.
About this API
Endpoints that consume audience data can call this API to download audience data from Exchange as a stream of comma-separated data to the destination endpoint. The endpoint must be registered with Acoustic Exchange as a PULL type destination endpoint.
The call takes jobId and fileName as URL parameters. Specify the .CSV file in Exchange that contains the audience data that is ready to download to the destination endpoint. Specify the ID job that is created in Exchange to download the audience data in the file. The status of the job must be READY_FOR_DOWNLOAD.
When you download a large segment of audience data, the data can sometimes be broken up into multiple files. When this happens, there is header for each file.
After completing the download of audience data, delete the file on Exchange. You can delete the file by calling DELETE/v1/jobs/{jobId}/segmentDataFiles/{fileName} or set the job status to complete by calling PUT /v1/jobs/{jobid}/status/complete. Setting the job status to complete automatically deletes any remaining files.
Direct the API call to the base URL that is assigned to your Exchangeaccount.
The call accepts jobId and the file name as URL parameters. You can find the file name in the response to GET /v1/jobs or GET /v1/jobs/{jobCategory}/{jobId}.
To specify the user account, provide the authentication key for the account as the authorization bearer in the API call.
Example request (as a curl command):
curl -v
-H "Authorization: Bearer 1234-abcd-5678-efgh"
<base URL>/v1/jobs/<jobId>/segmentDataFiles/
<file name>
Query parameters | Description |
jobId | The ID of the job that was created on Exchange to download the audience data. |
file name | Name of the .segment file that contained the audience data that you download from Exchange to the destination endpoint. |
Exchange public APIs return standard HTTP 1.1 response codes.
GET /v1/jobs/{jobId}/segmentDataFiles/{fileName} provides responses as follows.
Code | Description |
200-299 | Success. Exchange downloads a stream of comma-separated audience data to the destination endpoint. |
400-499 | There is a problem with the API request. Examine the request for errors. For example: 401: Not authenticated 403: Not authorized 404: The job or file is unknown |
500-599 | System error. Contact Support for assistance. |
PUT /v1/jobs/{jobid}/status/complete
Mark a job as complete and delete remaining files.
About this API
Call this API after pulling audience data from Exchange to mark the download job as complete. You must include the job ID for the job in the API request.
This API is used by endpoints that pull audience data from Exchange. Typically, you call this API after getting segment files from Exchange by calling GET /v1/segmentfiles/{fileName}.
When the job finishes, this API deletes any audience data files that were not deleted when they were downloaded from Exchange to the destination endpoint.
Direct the API call to the base URL that is assigned to your Exchange account.
The call accepts jobId as a URL parameter. Specify the job ID of the job that ran to download audience data to the destination endpoint.
You can use either the account-level or endpoint-level authentication key as the authorization bearer in the API call.
To specify the user account, provide the authentication key for the account as the authorization bearer in the API call. Use the account-level or endpoint-level authentication key.
Example request (as a curl command):
curl -v
-H "Authorization: Bearer 1234-abcd-5678-efgh"
<base URL>/v1/jobs/<jobId>/status/complete
Acoustic Exchange public APIs return standard HTTP 1.1 response codes.
PUT /v1/jobs/{jobid}/status/complete provides responses as follows.
Code | Description |
200-299 | True: The job is marked complete and files that were not downloaded are deleted from Acoustic Exchange. False: The job is not marked complete or all files are not deleted. |
403 | Not authorized. There might be a problem with the authentication key. |
500-599 | System error. Contact Support for assistance. |
PUT /v1/jobs/{jobid}/status/fail
Update job status from WAITING_TO_RECIEVE_DATA to ERROR.
About this API
Call this API when you encounter a problem pushing audience data to Acoustic Exchange. The API call changes the job status on the Audiences tab from Waiting to receive data to Error to indicate to the user that a problem has occurred. You must include the job ID for the job in the API request.
Direct the API call to the base URL that is assigned to your Exchange account.
The call accepts jobId as a URL parameter. Specify the job ID of the job that ran to download audience data to the destination endpoint.
You can use either the account-level or endpoint-level authentication key as the authorization bearer in the API call.
Note: You must include the JSON object ‘{“errorMessage”: “”}’
in the body of the call, and specify the error message. The call fails if you do not.
Example request (as a curl command):
curl -v
-H "Authorization: Bearer 1234-abcd-5678-efgh"
-d '{"errorMessage": "<error message text>"}'
<base URL>/v1/jobs/<jobId>/status/fail
Acoustic Exchange public APIs return standard HTTP 1.1 response codes.
PUT /v1/jobs/{jobid}/status/fail provides responses as follows.
Code | Description |
200-299 | True: The job is updated and marked failed. False: The job is not marked failed. |
403 | Not authorized. There might be a problem with the authentication key. |
500-599 | System error. Contact Support for assistance. |
GET /v1/scheduledjobs/{jobcategory}
You can use this API to get scheduled jobs as identified by job category.
About this API
Call this API to return a list scheduled jobs that were created in Exchange. You must first specify the job category for the jobs that you want to return.
This API can be useful if you need a list of all scheduled jobs in a category and their respective job IDs. For example, if you want to delete a scheduled job, you can use this API to get the job ID of the job that you want to delete.
Direct the API call to the base URL that is assigned to your Exchange account.
The call accepts job category as URL parameters.
You can use either the account-level or endpoint-level authentication key as the authorization bearer in the API call. If you specify an endpoint-level authentication key, the results are filtered by endpoint.
Example request (as a curl command):
curl -v
-H "Authorization: Bearer 1234-abcd-5678-efgh"
<base URL>/v1/scheduledjobs/<category>?
endpointId=<endpoint ID>
Query parameter | Use | Description |
jobCategory | Required | Must be SEGMENT_EXPORT |
endpointId | Optional | The endpoint ID of the job that you want to get. |
Acoustic Exchange public APIs return standard HTTP 1.1 response codes.
GET /v1/scheduledjobs/{jobcategory} provides descriptive information for the job that you specified, as follows.
Example response (values are presented for example only):
"jobId": 301,
"state": "SCHEDULED",
"jobCategory": "SEGMENT_EXPORT",
"jobName": "EXPORT_SEGMENT",
"accountId": 2,
"active": 1,
"errorDetails": null
"jobId": 1044,
"state": "SCHEDULED",
"jobCategory": "SEGMENT_EXPORT",
"jobName": "EXPORT_SEGMENT",
"accountId": 2,
"active": 1,
"errorDetails": null
JSON | Output |
jobId | The job ID. |
state | The current state of the job at the time of the API call. |
jobCategory | SEGMENT_EXPORT |
jobName | The job name. |
accountId | The account ID for the Exchange user account that owns the endpoints for which the jobs were created. |
active | If the scheduled job is active 1 or inactive 2. |
errorDetails | If an error occurs, its details are listed here. |
DELETE /v1/scheduledjobs/{scheduledjobid}
You can use this API to delete scheduled jobs in Acoustic Exchange.
Before you begin
Call GET /v1/scheduledjobs/{jobcategory} to return a list of scheduled jobs and their respective IDs, then select the scheduled jobs to be deleted.
About this API
Call this API to delete scheduled jobs that were created in Exchange. You must first specify the job ID for the job that you want to delete.
Direct the API call to the base URL that is assigned to your Exchange account.
You can use either the account-level or endpoint-level authentication key as the authorization bearer in the API call. If you specify an endpoint-level authentication key, the results are filtered by endpoint. To use endpoint-level authentication for this API, you must use either the source or destination endpoint authentication key.
Example request (as a curl command):
curl -v
-H "Authorization: Bearer 1234-abcd-5678-efgh"
<base URL>/v1/scheduledjobs/<scheduledjobId>
Query parameter | Use | Description |
jobId | Required | The job ID of the job that you want to delete. |
Exchange public APIs return standard HTTP 1.1 response codes.
DELETE /v1/scheduledjobs/{scheduledjobid} provides responses as follows.
Code | Description |
200-299 | Success. The scheduled jobs are deleted successfully from Exchange. |
400-499 | There is a problem with the API request. Examine the request for errors. For example: 401: Not authenticated 403: Not authorized 404: The job or file is unknown |
500-599 | System error. Contact Support for assistance. |
Updated almost 5 years ago