Web events

Acoustic Exchange has identified and defined recognized events that typically happen during interactions that occur while customers use web-based systems. Web events usually describe interactions that occur during visits to a web site. As an endpoint publisher, call https://api-exchange-us-1.goacoustic.com/v1/event to publish the event. The following example illustrates a typical JSON payload for the API call. This example is based on the Cart Abandonment event.

POST v1/event
  “channel” : “web”, 
  “identifiers” : [            
    “name” : “cookieId”,
    “value” : “455739626”
  “events” : [
    “code” : “ibmcartAbandonment”, 
    “timestamp” : “2015-09-28T20:15:12Z”, 
    “attributes” : [
      “name” : “eventName”,            
      “value” : “Aggregate Cart Abandonment”,  
      “type” : “string” 
      “name” : “interactionId”,            
      “value” : “1238953”,  
      “type” : “string” 
      “name” : “quantity”,            
      “value” : “4”,  
      “type” : “integer” 
      “name” : “currency”,            
      “value” : “euro”,  
      “type” : “string” 
      “name” : “orderTotal”,            
      “value” : “525.00”,  
      “type” : “integer” 

Cart purchase - aggregate

Information that describes a cart of items that an individual purchased through a web site. This event contains characteristics for the entire purchase.

Event Code: ibmcartPurchase
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
eventNamestringAggregate PurchaseName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
descriptionstringDescription of the event to provide context for the event.
orderIDstring5678Identifies a specific purchase.Yes
interactionIdstring12345Unique identifier for a visit. Sometimes called a session ID.

For example, if a cookieId identifies a visitor, the
interactionId identifies a visit by that person. One person can generate multiple visits, which are distinguished by multiple interactionIds
quantityinteger5Total number of individual items in the cart.Yes
productListstringComma delimited list of product IDsThe product IDs of the items purchased separated by a comma.
orderSubTotalinteger777.50Order amount before sales, discounts, tax, and any other charges.
orderShippinginteger25.00If populated, it will show the cost of shipping added to the order total.
orderDiscountinteger150.00Amount that is deducted from order sub total.
orderPromostringAS678Promotional code/offer used at checkout.
orderTaxinteger31.28Tax amount on the total cart order.
orderTotalinteger625.50Total order amount. The amount should not include shipping, but might include sales or discounts.Yes
currencystringUSDType of currency.
shippingTypestringPriorityShipping method select by customer.

Cart purchase – item

Information to describe an item that is purchased through a web site.

Event code: ibmcartPurchaseItem
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
basePricenumber75.00The price of the item purchased.Yes
cartTotalnumber625.50Total order amount.

Should not include shipping, but might include sales or discounts. This is the same amount as in
categorystringDesksAllows grouping of products into categories. For example,
eventNamestringPurchase itemName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
interactionIdinteger12345Unique identifier for a visit. Sometimes called a session ID.Yes
orderIDstring5678Identifies a specific purchase.Yes
productIDstringThe product ID of the item purchasedYes
productNamestringStudent DeskThe product name of the item purchased.
quantitynumber5Can be more than 1 if more than one of the same product is purchased.Yes
colorstringblueProduct color.
currencystringEURType of currency.
descriptionstringDescription of the event to provide context for the event.
imageURLURLURL for the product image.
offerCodestring12345Offer code used at checkout.
orderDiscountnumber15.00Discounted amount from order sub total.
productDescstringDetailed description of the product.
productUrlURLURL for additional product information.
sizestring12The size of the item.

Cart abandonment – aggregate

Information that describes an abandoned cart. If the entire cart is abandoned, then the cart is abandoned. There can be no items purchased in the session (interaction).

Event code – ibmcartAbandonment
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
eventNameAggregate Cart AbandonmentName of the event as it appears in the Acoustic Exchange user interface.Yes
descriptionstringDescription of the even to provide context for the event.
interactionIdinteger12345Unique identifier for a visit. Sometimes called a session ID.Yes
quantitynumber10This is the total number of items abandoned in the cart.Yes
productListstringThe product IDs of the abandoned items, separated by a comma.
currencystringEURType of currency.
orderTotalnumber500.00Total amount (based on basePrice of each item abandoned) of the cart.Yes

Cart abandonment – item

Information that describes an individual item in an abandoned cart.

Event code: ibmcartAbandonmentItem
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
eventNamestringAbandoned ItemName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
descriptionstringDescription of the event to provide context for the event.
interactionIdinterger12345Unique identifier for a visit. Sometimes called a session ID.Yes
productIdstringThe product ID of the abandoned item.Yes
productNamestringLeather High-Back Office ChairThe product name of the abandoned item.Yes
productDescstringDetailed description of the product.
productURLURLURL for additional product information.
imageUrlURLURL for the product image.
colorstringbrownProduct color.
sizestring12The size of the item.
categorystringOffice furnitureAllows grouping of products into categories. For example, Base Desk, Computer Desk and Office Desk could roll up under Office furniture.Yes
quantitynumber5Can be more than 1 if more than one of the same product is abandoned.Yes
currencystringEURType of currency.
basePricenumber175.00The price of the abandoned item.Yes
cartTotalnumber3250.50Total amount (based on basePrice of each item abandoned) of the cart.Yes


Information that describes a conversion event.

Event code: ibmconversion
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
eventNamestringComplete ConversionName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Allow Acoustic Exchange users to understand the event context.
interactionIdstringIdentify a site visit. Example: a cookie ID identifies the visitor. The interactionID identifies the visit. An individual can be involved in multiple visits. Also called a session ID.Yes
eventIdstringSatisfaction SurveyUnique ID to identify the type of event and enable lookup in the system.Yes


string2A complete conversion is a conversion 1 with a corresponding conversion 2, or conversion 2 only.
pointsstringEach event id (each unique conversion event tracked) can have its own point value.
categorystringSurveysGroup events (eventNames) into categories. Example: create different types of credit apps (MasterCard, Visa) within a category: Credit ApplicationsYes

Abandoned conversion or non-conversion

Information that describes an abandoned conversion event.

Event code: ibmabandonedConversion
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
eventNamestringIncomplete ConversionName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Allows Exchange users to understand the event context.
interactionIdstring<12345>Identify a site visit. Example: a cookie ID identifies the visitor. The interactionID identifies the visit. An individual can be involved in multiple visits. Also called a session ID.Yes
eventIdstringCredit application submissionUnique ID to identify the type of event and enable lookup in the system.Yes


string1A complete conversion is a conversion 1 with a corresponding conversion 2, or conversion 2 only.
pointsstring<6789>Each event id (each unique conversion event tracked) can have its own point value.
categorystringCredit applicationGroup events (eventNames) into categories. Example: create different types of credit apps (MasterCard, Visa) within a category: Credit ApplicationsYes

Searched site

Information that describes what happens as an individual searched a web site. A variation of a page view.

Event code: ibmsearchedSite
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
eventNamestringSearched SiteName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
descriptionstringDescription of the published event to allow the user to better understand the context of the event.
interactionIdstring<12345>Identifies a site visit. Example: a cookie ID that identifies the visitor. The
interactionID identifies the visit. An individual can be involved in multiple
visits. Also called a session ID.
searchTypestringOnSiteType of search. Example: For Acoustic Digital Analytics, the type is always On Site.Yes
searchTermsstringLampsTerm entered by visitor when they performed the search.Yes
siteNamestringName or domain of the site that was searched.Yes
pageURLstringURL of the landing page after the search performed.
pageIDstringSearch UnsuccessfulPage Name of the landing page.Yes

Product view

Information that describes a view of a web page.

Event code: ibmproductView
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
eventNamestringProduct ViewName of the event as it appears in the Acoustic Exchange user interface.Yes
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Allow Exchange users to understand the event context.
interactionIdstring12345Identifies a site visit. Example: a cookie ID identifies the visitor. The
interactionID identifies the visit. An individual can be involved in multiple visits. Also called a session ID.
productIDstring6789The product ID of the item purchased.Yes
productNamestringLeather High-Back Office ChairThe product name of the item purchasedYes
productDescstringDescription of the
productUrlstringURL for product information.
imageUrlstringURL for product image.
colorstringRedProduct color.
sizestring12Product size.
categorystringOffice ChairsAllows the grouping of products into categories. For example, Student Desks, Computer Desks, and Office Desks can be grouped into the Desk category.Yes

Browse abandonment – aggregate

Information that describes what occurs when a customer abandons a web page after viewing multiple items.

Event code: ibmbrowseAbandonment
Note: Event attributes for ibmbrowseAbandonment and ibmbrowseAbandonmentItem must be in the same JSON payload.

Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
eventNamestringAggregate Browse AbandonmentName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Allow Exchange users to understand the event context.
interactionIdstring3.21005E+18Identify a site visit. Example: a cookie ID identifies the visitor. The interactionID identifies the visit. An individual can be involved in multiple visits. Also called a session ID.Yes
quantitystring3The total number of items browsed.Yes
productListstringComma delimited list of product IDsThe product IDs of the abandoned items, separated by commas.Yes

Browse abandonment – item

Information that describes what occurs when a customer abandons a web page after viewing a single item.

Event code: ibmbrowseAbandonmentItem
Note: Event attributes for ibmbrowseAbandonment and ibmbrowseAbandonmentItem must be in the same JSON payload.

Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
eventNamestringAbandoned ItemName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Allow Exchange users to understand the event context.
interactionIdstring3.21005E+18Identify a site visit. Example: a cookie ID identifies the visitor. The interactionID identifies the visit. An individual can be involved in multiple visits. Also called a session ID.Yes
productIDstringThe product ID of the abandoned item.
productNamestringLeather High-Back Office ChairThe product name of the abandoned item.Yes
productDescstringDetailed description of the product.
productUrlURLURL for additional product information.
imageURLURL<product specific<URL for the product image.
colorstringbrownProduct color.
sizestring12The size of them.
categorystringOffice furnitureAllows grouping of products into categories. For example, Base Desk, Computer Desk and Office Desk could roll up under Office furniture.Yes
currencystringEURType of currency.
basePricenumber175.00The price of abandoned item.Yes

Video paused

Information that describes a video on a website being paused by a customer.

Event code: ibmelementVideoPaused
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
providerstringAcousticThe name of the endpoint provider.Yes
channelstringWEBThe channel in which the event occurred.Yes
subChannelstringWEBA more granular descriptor of the channel where an event occurred.Yes
cookieIdstring8.42225E+22The means by which the visitor is tracked during a visit to a website.Yes
timestampstring2019-02-11T05:38:10ZThe date and time when the event occurred.Yes
deviceTypestringDESKTOPThe type of device used to capture a customer event.
vendorstringAPPLEThe vendor of the device.
modelstringIMACThe model of the device.
OSstringOSXThe OS of the device.
versionOSstring10.10The version of the device.
browserNamestringSAFARIThe browser used on the device.
browserVersionstring9.1The browser on the device.
interactionIdstring3801817Identifies a website visit. Example: a cookie ID identifies the visitor. The
interactionID identifies the visit. An individual can be involved in multiple visits. Also called a session ID.
eventNamestringPaused VideoName of the intra-page event as it appears in the Acoustic Exchange user interface.Yes
elementIdstringELEMID147941The means used to identify an element.Yes
elementCategorystringVIDEOAllows grouping events into categories.Yes
videotimestampstring425The amount of time a video was played before it was paused or stopped.Yes
videoTotalLengthstring573The total length of the video being viewed by the customer.Yes

Video completed

Information that describes a video on a website being watched to completion by a customer.

Event code: ibmelementVideoCompleted
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
providerstringAcousticThe name of the endpoint provider.Yes
channelstringMOBILEThe channel in which the event occurs.Yes
subChannelstringMOBILEA more granular descriptor of the channel where an event occurred.Yes
cookieIdstring1653508431The mean by which the visitor is tracked during a visit to a website.Yes
timestampstring2019-02-11T05:38:09ZThe data and time when an event occurred.Yes
deviceTypestringMOBILEPHONEThe type of device used to capture a customer event.
vendorstringAPPLEThe vendor of the device.
modelstringIPHONEThe model of the device.
OSstringiOSThe OS of the device.
versionOSstring9The version of the device.
browserNamestringSAFARIThe browser used on the device.
interactionIdstring7021070964113409727Identifies a website visit. Example: a cookie ID identifies the visitor. The
interactionID identifies the visit. An individual can be involved in multiple visits. Also called a session ID.
eventNamestringCompleted VideoName of the intra-page event as it appears in the Acoustic Exchange user interface.Yes
elementIdstringELEMID273780The means used to identify an element.Yes
elementCategorystringVIDEOAllows grouping events into categories.Yes
videotimestampstring871The amount of time a video was played before it was paused or stopped.Yes
videoTotalLengthstring902The total length of the video being viewed by the customer.Yes

Video launched

Information that describes a video related to a product or brand being launched by a customer.

Event code: ibmelementVideoLaunched
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
providerstringAcousticThe name of the endpoint provider.Yes
channelstringWEBThe channel in which the event occurs.Yes
subChannelstringWEBA more granular descriptor of the channel where the event occurred.Yes
cookieIdstring3508431The means by which the visitor is tracked during a visit to a website.Yes
timestampstring2019-02-11T05:38:10ZThe date and time when an event occurred.Yes
deviceTypestringDESKTOPThe type of device used to capture a customer event.
vendorstringAPPLEThe vendor of the device.
modelstringIMACThe model of the device.
OSstringOSXThe OS of the device.
versionOSstring10.10The version of the device.
browserNamestringSAFARIThe browser used on the device.
browserVersionstring9.1The browser used on the device.
interactionIdstring3801817Identifies a website visit. Example: a cookie ID identifies the visitor. The
interactionID identifies the visit. An individual can be involved in multiple visits. Also called a session ID.
eventNamestringPaused VideoName of the intra-page event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
elementIdstringELEMID147941The means used to identify an element.Yes
elementCategorystringVIDEOAllows grouping events into categories.Yes
videotimestampstring425The amount of time a video was played before it was paused or stopped.Yes
videoTotalLenghtstring573The total length of the video being viewed by the customer.Yes

Video completed

Information that describes a video on a website being watched to completion by a customer.

Event code: ibmelementVideoCompleted
Event attributes

Attribute NameData TypeExampleDescriptionRequired
providerstringAcousticThe name of the endpoint provider.Yes
channelstringMOBILEThe channel in which the event occurs.Yes
subChannelstringMobileA more granular descriptor of the channel where an event occurred.Yes
cookieIdstring1653508431The mean by which the visitor is tracked during a visit to a website.Yes
timestampstring2019-02-11T05:38:09ZThe data and time when an event occurred.Yes
deviceTypestringMOBILEPHONEThe type of device used to capture a customer event.
vendorstringAPPLEThe vendor of the device.
modelstringIPHONEThe model of the device.
OSstringiOSThe OS of the device.
versionOSstring9The version of the device.
browserNamestringSAFARIThe browser used on the device.
browserVersionstring9.1Browser used on the device.
interactionIdstring9.1Identifies a website visit. Example: a cookie ID identifies the visitor. The
interactionID identifies the visit. An individual can be involved in multiple visits. Also called a session ID.
eventNamestringCompleted VideoName of the intra-page event as it appears in the EX- user interface.Yes
elementIdstringELEMID273780The means used to identify an element.Yes
elementCategorystringVIDEOAllows grouping events into categories.Yes
videotimestampstring871The amount of time a video was played before it was paused or stopped.Yes
videoTotalLengthstring902The total length of the video being viewed by the customer.Yes

Video launched

Information that describes a video related to a product or brand being launched by a customer.

Event code: ibmelementVideoLaunched
Event attributes

Attribute nameData typeExampleDescriptionRequired
providerstringAcousticThe name of the endpoint provider.Yes
channelstringWEBThe channel in which the event occurs.Yes
subChannelstringWEBA more dYes
cookieIdstring3508431The means by which the visitor is tracked during a visit to a website.Yes
timestampstring2019-02-11T05:38:09ZThe date and time when an event occurred.Yes
deviceTypestringDESKTOPThe type of device used to capture a customer event.
vendorstringAPPLEThe vendor of the device.
modelstringIMACThe model of the device.
OSstringOSXThe OS of the device.
browserNamestring10.10The version of the device.
browserVersionstring9.1Browser used on the device.
interactionIdstring3409727Identifies a website visit. Example: a cookie ID identifies the visitor. The interactionID identifies the visit. An individual can be involved in multiple visits. Also called a session ID.Yes
eventNamestringCompleted VideoName of the intra-page event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
elementIdstringELEMID273780The means used to identify an element.Yes
elementCategorystringVIDEOAllows grouping events into categories.Yes
videotimestampstring871The amount of time a video was played before it was paused or stopped.Yes
videoTotalLengthstring902The total length of the video being viewed by the customer.Yes

Video played

Information that describes video being played by a customer.

Event code: ibmelementVideoPlayed
Event attributes

Attribute nameData typeExampleDescriptionRequired
providerstringAcousticThe name of the endpoint providerYes
channelstringWEBThe channel in which the event occurred.Yes
subChannelstringWEBA more granular descriptor of the channel where an event occurred.Yes
cookieIdstring8.42225E+22The means by which the visitor is tracked during a visit to a website.Yes
timestampstring2019-02-11T05:38:10ZThe date and time when an event occurred.Yes
deviceTypestringDESKTOPThe type of device used to capture a customer event.
vendorstringAPPLEThe vendor of the device.
modelstringIMACThe model of the device.
OSstringOSXThe OS of the device.
versionOSstring10.10The version of the device.
browserNamestringSAFARIThe browser used on the device.
browserVersionstring9.1Browser used on the device.
interactionIdstring3801817Identifies a website visit. Example: a cookie ID identifies the visitor. The interactionID identifies the visit. An individual can be involved in multiple visits. Also called a session ID.Yes
eventNamestringPaused VideoName of the intra-page event as it appears in the Acoustic Exchange user interface.Yes
elementIdstringELEMID147941The means used to identify an element.Yes
elementCategorystringVIDEOAllows grouping events into categories.Yes

Form error

Information that describes an error on a web form, such as a missing field in a check out or registration.

Event code: ibmelementFormError
Event attributes

Attribute nameData typeExampleDescriptionRequired
providerstringAcousticThe name of the endpoint provider.Yes
channelstringWEBThe channel in which the event occurs.Yes
subChannelstringWEBA more granular descriptor of the channel where an event occurred.Yes
cookieIdstring7663299The means by which the visitor is tracked during a visit to a website.Yes
timestampstring2019-02-11T05:38:10ZThe date and time when an event occurred.Yes
deviceTypestringDESKTOPThe type of device used to capture a customer event.
vendorstringAPPLEThe vendor of the device.
modelstringIMACThe model of the device.
OSstringOSXThe OS of the device.
versionOSstring10.10The version of the device.
browserNamestringSAFARIThe browser used on the device.
browserVersionstring9.1Browser used on the device.
interactionIdstring22820Identifies a web site visit. Example: a cookie ID identifies the visitor. The interactionID identifies the visit. An individual can be involved in multiple visits. Also called a session ID.Yes
eventNamestringForm ErrorName of the intra-page event as it appears in the Acoustic Exchange user interface.Yes
elementIDstringELEMID58764The means used to identify an element.Yes
elementCategorystringERRORAllows grouping events into categories.Yes

Entry page

Information that describes a customer visiting an entry page.

Event code: ibmpageviewEntryPage
Event attributes

Attribute nameData typeExampleDescriptionRequired
providerstringAcousticThe name of the endpoint.Yes
channelstringWEBThe channel in which the event occurs.Yes
subChannelstringWEBA more granular descriptor of the channel where an event occurred.Yes
cookieIdstring7663299The means by which the visitor is tracked during a visit to a website.Yes
timestampstring2019-02-11T05:00:39ZThe date and time when an event occurred.Yes
deviceTypestringMOBILEPHONEThe type of device used to capture a customer event.
vendorstringBLACKBERRYThe vendor of the device.
modelstring7730The model of the device.
OSstringRIMOSThe OS of the device.
versionOSstring3.7.0The version of the device.
browserNamestringUP.BROWSERThe browser used on the device.
browserVersionstring10.3Browser used on the device.
interactionIdstring207247192Identifies a website visit. Example: a cookie ID identifies the visitor. The
interactionID identifies the visit. An individual can be involved in multiple visits. Also called a session ID.
eventNamestringSession Entry PageName of the intra-page event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
categorystringHOME PAGEAllows grouping of pages into categories. For example, the Welcome, About Us, and Contact Us pages could roll up under Home Page.Yes
pageIdstringHOME PAGEPage name of the entyYes
pageURLstringThe URL of the entry page.Yes
referralURLThe referral URL for the entry page.Yes

Product page action

Information that describes an action carried out by a customer on a product page. The action can be defined by an administrator.

Event code: ibmelementProductPageAction
Event attributes

Attribute nameData typeExampleDescriptionRequired
providerstringAcousticThe name of the endpoint provider.Yes
channelstringWEBThe channel in which the event occurs.Yes
subChannelstringWEBA more granular descriptor of the channel where an event occurred.Yes
cookieIdstring565432The means by which the visitor is tracked during a visit to a website.Yes
timestampstring2019-02-11T05:28:16ZThe date and time when an event occurred.
deviceTypestringDESKTOPThe type of device used to capture a customer event.
vendorstringAPPLEThe vendor of the device.
modelstringIMACThe model of the device.
OSstringOSXThe OS of the device.
versionOSstring10.10The version of the device.
browserNamestringSAFARIThe browser used on the device.
browserVersionstring9.1Browser used on the device.
interactionIdstring1845705Identifies a website visit. Example: a cookie ID identifies the visitor. The interactionID identifies the visit. An individual can be involved in multiple visits. Also called a session ID.Yes
eventNamestringProduct Page ActionName of the intra-page event as it appears in the Acoustic Exchange user interface.Yes
elementIdstringELEMID717261The means used to identify an element.
elementCategorystringERRORThe means used to identify an element.Yes


Information that describes some intra-page action on a web page.

Event code: ibmelement
Event attributes

Attribute nameData typeExampleDescriptionRequired
providerstringAcousticThe name of the Exchange endpoint provider.
channelstringMOBILEThe channel in which the event occurs.
SubChannelstringMOBILEThe more granular descriptor of the channel where an event occurred.
cookieIDstringThe means by which the a visitor is tracked during a visit to a website.
timestampstringDate and time when an event occurred.
deviceTypestringThe type of device used to capture a customer event.
vendorstringThe vendor of the device.
modelstringThe model of the device.
OSstringIOSThe OS of the device.
versionOSstring4The version of the device.
BrowserNamestringSAFARIThe browser used on the device.
browserVersionstring3Browser version used on the device.
eventNamestringOpened store locatorName of the intra-page event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.
interactionIdstring3.21005E+18Identify a web site visit. Example: a cookie ID identifies the visitor. The
interactionID identifies the visit. An individual can be involved in multiple visits. Also called a session ID.
descriptionstringLooked for a store location on a mobile device.Description of the intra-page action event. Allow Exchange users to understand the event context.
elementIdstringELEMID597964The means used to identify an element.
elementCategorystringMOBILEAllows grouping events into categories.

Element read review

Information that describes what happened when a web site visitor read a product review on a web page.

Event code: ibmelementReadReview
Event attributes

Attribute nameData typeExampleDescriptionRequired
providerstringExchangeThe name of the Exchange endpoint provider.
channelstringMOBILEThe channel in which the event occurs.
SubChannelstringMOBILEA more granular descriptor of the channel where an event occurred.
cookieIDstring8.42225E+22The means by which the visitor is tracked during a visit to a website.
timestampstring2019-02-11T05Date and time when an event occurred.
deviceTypestringMOBILEPHONEThe type of device used to capture a customer event.
vendorstringAPPLEThe vendor of the device.
modelstringIPHONEThe model of the device.
OSstringIOSThe OS of the device.
versionOSstring4The version of the device.
browserNamestringSAFARIThe browser used on the device.
eventNamestring3Browser version used on the device.
interactionIdstring3.21005E+18Identify a site visit. Example: a cookie ID identifies the visitor. The interactionID identifies the visit. An individual can be involved in multiple visits. Also called a session ID.
descriptionstringRead a customer review no a mobile device.Description of the published event. Allow Exchange users to understand the event context.
elementIdstringELEMID597964The means used to identify an element.
elementCategorystringMOBILEAllows grouping events into categories.


Information to describe some form of registration on a web site.

Event code: ibmregistration
Event attributes

Attribute NameData typeExampleDescriptionRequired
eventNamestringRegistration ActivityName of the event as it appears in the Exchange user interface.Yes
descriptionstringDescription of the published event. Allow Exchange users to understand the event context.
interactionIdstring12345Identify a site visit. Example: a cookie ID identifies the visitor. The interactionID identifies the visit. An individual can be involved in multiple visits. Also called a session ID.Yes
registrationdatestring2019-02-11T05The date and time the registration was created or last updated.Yes