Identification signals in the Connect library

You can enable the Connect library to identify visitors as they are browsing your website. The following forms of identification are supported:

  • Addressable fields (emails and phone numbers)
  • Client/contact IDs (depending on how your audience is structured).

Here are the primary reasons the enable identification signals on your website:

  • Link user sessions to contacts in your audience
  • Compare a user's activity on different devices
  • Feed new contacts into your audience


Required fields

Make sure you add the following required fields to the library configuration.

categoryString. Valid value - Behavior.The category of the signal to enable
identifierNameString. Valid values:

- email
- sms
- whatsApp - contactKey
Name of the field on which a new or potential contact can be identified.
identifierValueStringThe contact information the library has detected (depends on the identifierName value).
nameString, up to 256 characters Assign a name to the signal to differentiate it from other signals.
signalTypeString. For identification signals, use
The type of signal to enable

Optional fields

effectString. Valid values:

- negative
- positive
Specify how to interpret the signal. The value will be used for engagement index scoring.
identificationFromLoginBooleanInforms whether the signal was triggered as a result of a login. This lets you separate sessions where the contact identified themselves explicitly by entering their contact information or implicitly through a cookie or query string parameter.
signalCustomAttributesStringAllows for custom attributes that are not predefined by the product.

Here is an example:

var PageSignal = {
  signalType: "identification",
  name: "identification generated by web site",
  category: "Behavior",
  identifierName: "email", // Required
  identifierValue: "", // Required
  identificationFromLogin: true,
  effect: "positive", // Required
  signalCustomAttributes: []
TLT.logSignal(PageSignal);// Method to push the data to Connect

Sample payload

  "behaviorType": "identification",
  "name": "identification from product page",
  "category": "Behavior",
  "identifierName": "email",
  "identifierValue": "[email protected]",
  "identificationFromLogin": true,
  "effect": "positive"