Enable order signals in the Connect web library

An order represents a transaction placed by a user within an application.

  • Retail: Typically an order confirmation
  • Travel: Typically a booking confirmation
  • Banking / Insurance: Typically an application confirmation


The order signal is included into all Connect subscriptions (Pro, Premium and Ultimate).


Required fields

categoryString. Valid value - BehaviorThe category of the signal. For behavioral signals the category should always be “Behavior”.
nameString The name assigned to the signal. Can contain specific information about the signal that differentiates it from other signals.
signalTypeString. For order signals, use
The type of signal being sent. Must be from the set of supported signals.
orderIdStringIdentifier of the order
orderCurrencyStringCurrency for the order

Optional fields

effectString. Valid values:

- negative
- positive
Describes the effect of the signal on engagement. It is intended to be used for engagement index scoring.
signalCustomAttributesStringAllows for custom attributes that are not predefined by the product
orderSubtotalNumber or stringThe subtotal of the order
orderShippingHandlingNumber or stringShipping and handling amount for the order
orderTaxNumber or stringTax amount for the order
orderDiscountNumber or stringDiscount amount for the order
orderValueNumber or stringTotal value of the order

Sample payload

Data for the payload is collected when order confirmation is displayed.

  "signalType": "order",
  "name": "order from product page",
  "category": "Behavior",
  "orderId": "UEKDXIPUE",
  "orderSubtotal": 29,
  "orderCurrency": "USD",
  "orderShippingHandling": 7,
  "orderDiscount": 0,
  "orderValue": 36,
  "effect": "positive"

All data in the SDK payload must be collected manually, there is no automatic binding to the payload fields.



Product Purchase core behaviors should always coincide with Order core behaviors. The Order contains metadata for the entire order / conversion. There should be individual Product Purchase core behaviors for each individual Product ID that is part of the order / conversion.