Page view signals

A page view represents an action that overwhelmingly changes or reloads the content presented to the user. In Web 1.0 terms, this was the loading of a new HTML page. For single-page applications, this could be an action that replaces a large portion of the visible content.

You can configure the library to register page view signals as users are browsing your website. By default, signal configuration applies to all pages of the website, but you can customize the range using JavaScript.


Required fields

categoryString. Valid value - Behavior.The category of the signal
name String, up to 256 characters Assign a name to the signal to differentiate it from other signals.
signalTypeString. For page view signals, use
The type of signal to enable
url StringThe href property of the Location interface

Optional fields

effectString. Valid values:

- negative
- positive
Specify how to interpret the signal. The value will be used for engagement index scoring.
pageCategory StringTo use this field, you must set the category ID in the product hierarchy.
signalCustomAttributes StringAllows for custom attributes that are not predefined by the product

Here is an example.

var PageSignal = {
    signalType: "pageView",
    name: "Demo page view",
    category: "Behavior"
    url: window.location.href,
    effect: "positive"
TLT.logSignal("logSignal", PageSignal); // Method to push the data to Connect

Sample payload

  "signalType": "pageView",
  "name": "pageView from product page",
  "category": "Behavior",
  "url": "",
  "effect": "positive"