Enable rich media interaction signals in the Connect web library

Rich media interaction represents an interaction with video or audio where a user launches, pauses, continues, completes, stops, enlarges, etc.


The rich media interaction signal is supported by Premium and Ultimate subscriptions.


Required fields

categoryString. Valid value - Behavior.The category of the signal. For behavioral signals the category should always be “Behavior”.
nameString The name assigned to the signal. Can contain specific information about the signal that differentiates it from other signals.
signalTypeString. For rich media interaction signals, use
The type of signal being sent. Must be from the set of supported signals.
mediaIdStringIdentifier of the media
urlStringURL of the media
mediaCategoryStringCategory that the media falls into, for example, video
mediaNameStringName of the media
interactionTypeString. Valid values:

- load
- launch
- pause
- continue
- complete
- stop
- enlarge
Type of interaction with the media

Optional fields

effectString. Valid values:

- negative
- positive
Describes the effect of the signal on engagement. It is intended to be used for engagement index scoring.
signalCustomAttributesStringAllows for custom attributes that are not predefined by the product

Sample payload

  "signalType": "richMediaInteraction",
  "name": "richMediaInteraction from product page",
  "category": "Behavior",
  "mediaId": "blob:https://www.nike.com/52abbeb9-e9f1-45fb-abbc-e51578224825",
  "url": "https://www.nike.com/mx/",
  "mediaCategory": "home page",
  "mediaName": "video",
  "interactionType": "click",
  "effect": "positive"

All data in the SDK payload must be collected manually, there is no automatic binding to the payload fields.