Build the sample app

The Acoustic Tealeaf SDK provides the NativeBase KitchenSink v3 as a sample app you can build to view quick example implementations of all core SDK functionality.

The sample app provides you with an example app with all the UI components of NativeBase.

Before you begin

Install the sample app

  1. From your terminal, cd to the nativebase-v3-kitchensink.
cd ../ea_react_native_module-master/Example/nativebase-v3-kitchensink
  1. Run the yarn command to install the packages.



There are several know issues between npm install versus yarn install. Since the yarn is a Facebook tool, it usually has fixes patched for installing dependencies.

  1. Then change the directory to install iOS dependencies.
cd ios
pod update

Run the app

Run the following in your terminal.

yarn start yarn ios
  1. Run an Android emulator.
  2. Run the following in your terminal.
yarn start yarn android