React Native SDK overview
Acoustic Tealeaf can monitor traffic between your application and server. It captures device context and user activity so that you can monitor and evaluate the performance of your applications. You can instrument your native and hybrid iOS applications for logging and analysis. It captures device context and user activity so that you can monitor and evaluate the performance of your applications.
The React Native Tealeaf SDK supports iOS and Android apps developed with the React Native framework. You can get unprecedented insight into the performance of your application when you use the SDK.
The React Native SDK supports the following features:
- Automatically captures pages after the React Javascript Bridge is implemented.
- The iOS framework automatically captures control accessibility labels and uses them as the ID.
- Logs
through custom events based on component renders and the React Javascript Bridge completion.
For a quick and easy implementation of the Tealeaf SDK in your React Native applications, see the Quick start guide for React Native applications.
Requirements for React Native environments
To develop React Native applications effectively with the React Native SDK, follow these system and software requirements:
- Set up a development environment with the following information Setting up the development environment.
- Minimal React Native version supported is 0.70.6.
iOS supported operating systems
- iOS 12.0 (or later)
- Single window (full screen) iPadOS apps are now supported. Multi-window iPadOS apps are not fully supported in this release. Multi-window iPadOS, and UIScene are not fully supported at this time. The SDK will still capture data on a multi-window iPadOS app (or an app that uses SwiftUI or UIScene), but Session Replay might not work correctly. The recorded data can still be used for analytics and diagnostics.
Requirements for Android environments
To develop Android applications with the Android SDK, follow these system and software requirements:
- API level 21 to 33
- Supports Android Studio Electric Eel, Gradle 7.4.1, and Kotlin 1.7.21
Tealeaf has passed all Apple Store and Google Play Store regulations. Contact Acoustic support if an issue arises with the Tealeaf library related to Apple Store and Google Play Store scanning requirements.
- If your Android App doesn't build after uninstalling the Tealeaf plugin, remove the following line from the Android project's build.gradle file.
apply from: project(':react-native-acoustic-ea-tealeaf-beta').projectDir.getPath()
+ "/config.gradle"
- If the Android App Manifest merger failed with the following error - uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 16 cannot be smaller than version 21 declared in library - then Android 5 or API level 21 is needed. Update the Android project's build.gradle file to
minSdkVersion = 21
Updated 7 months ago