Tealeaf Web SDK usage guidelines

Usage Guidelines

For a successful implementation of the Tealeaf Web SDK, follow these guidelines:

  • Deploy the Web SDK as early as possible in the application development process for the following reasons:
    • Helps surface any integration issues earlier in the project lifecycle when making changes and implementing the recommended best practices is relatively easier.
    • Aids the application development and testing process by leveraging Tealeaf to monitor application performance and errors.
    • Including Web SDK in the development cycle of your web application takes advantage of the existing change management and software maintenance practices of your enterprise.
    • Limits the potential for issues that are discovered in a production environment.
  • Follow the install instructions and recommended best practices to minimize the integration cost and performance overhead.
  • Always validate the Web SDK integration, application performance, and privacy masking of sensitive data in a test and/or staging environment before deploying into production.