Add the React Native plug-in to your app


To start configuring basic mobile app messaging in React Native projects for iOS and Android apps, create an example app in React Native and then configure and build your Android and iOS apps. After configuring basic mobile app messages, you can configure advanced mobile app messaging features.



When Acoustic Mobile App Messaging stores data that you send, the data is not encrypted; therefore, it is recommended that you do not transmit sensitive information in the inbox, in-app, and mobile app messages. The data is not encrypted in our databases or log files or when stored on the device. If you must transmit sensitive information, encrypt the data before sending it and decrypt the data in memory on the device.

Before you begin

Install React Native command-line tools. For more information, see React Native environment-setup.



Expo CLI is not supported .

Create a React Native application

npx react-native init NewApp --version 0.66.0

Install Acoustic React Native plug-in



There are several know issues between npm install versus yarn install. Since yarn is a Facebook tool, it normally has fixes patched for installing dependencies.

  1. Copy react-native-acoustic-mobile-push folder from the SampleApp project.

    cd NewApp
    mkdir plugins
    cp -r ../ca-mce-react-native/plugins/react-native-acoustic-mobile-push plugins/react-native-acoustic-mobile-push
  2. Add react-native-acoustic-mobile-push to the package.json file in your application under dependencies.

    "dependencies": {
    "react-native-acoustic-mobile-push": "file:plugins/react-native-acoustic-mobile-push",
    //Other dependencies...



    If your app is using React Native v.059 and lower link the plugin with: react-native link react- native-acoustic-mobile-push.

  3. Edit App.js to include the following two lines after the existing import statements:

    import { NativeModules } from 'react-native';
    const { RNAcousticMobilePush } = NativeModules;

    Alternatively, you can import the SDK into the component you need.

  4. Then install as normal.

    yarn install

Set up your Android project



If your app is using React Native v0.60 or later and are using the AndroidX libraries instead of the
Android Support libraries, set the following command line variable: export ANDROID_X=1



From React Native v.060 and higher NativeModules are part of react-native. If you are using lower
version of RN please use the following code to import RNAcoustic modules: import { RNAcousticMobilePush } from 'NativeModules';

  1. Copy your google-services.json file with your Google-provided FCM credentials to your android project folder: android/app/google-services.json.
  2. Copy the MceConfig.json file from the SampleApp project to: android/app/src/main/assets/MceConfig.json
    cp ../ca-mce-react-native/SampleApp/android/app/src/main/assets/MceConfig.json android/app/src/main/assets/MceConfig.json
  3. Edit and fill in the appKey and baseUrl provided by your account team.
    "baseUrl": "",
    "appKey": {
    "prod": "INSERT APP KEY HERE"
  4. Add the Android SDK to your Gradle project by copying the Android SDK AAR file to your libs folder. If you do not have a libs folder, create one next to your src folder.
    cp ../ca-mce-react-native/plugins/react-native-acoustic-mobile-push/android/libs/acoustic-mobile-push-android-sdk-3.8.7.aar android/app/libs/acoustic-mobile-push-android-sdk-3.8.7.aar
  5. You can also add the following attributes to themanifest, application and activity tags in AndroidManifest.xml:
    <manifest ... xmlns:tools="">
    <application ... tools:replace="android:name">
    <activity android:exported="true" ... android:name=".MainActivity">
  6. Additionally, you should support location services. Add the following line to your build.gradle app file:
    implementation '<play-services version>'

Set up your iOS project

  1. Open the iOS project in Xcode.
  2. Fix up the bundle ID and signing to use a bundle ID and profile with appropriate capabilities.
  3. Add the Push Notification capability to your project: Go to Signing & Capabilities, Click +Capability , and select Push Notification.
  4. Turn on the Location Updates background mode to your project: Go to Signing & Capabilities and check Location Updates checkbox.
  5. Add the MceConfig.json file in the project directory to the Xcode project to Application target and fill in the baseUrl and appKey provided by your account team.
    "baseUrl": "",
    "appKey": {
    "prod": "INSERT APP KEY HERE"

Optional: Integrating the iOS notification service

The iOS notification service requires separate provisioning. This plug-in is required if you need to access push received events, dynamic action categories, and media attachments.

  1. Copy react-native-ios-notification-service folder from the SampleApp project.
    cp -r ../ca-mce-react-native/plugins/react-native-ios-notification-service plugins/react-native-ios-notification-service
  1. Add react-native-ios-notification-service to the package.json file in your application under dependencies.

    "dependencies": {
    "react-native-ios-notification-service": "file:plugins/react-native-ios-notification-service",
    //Other dependencies...
  2. Install the new plugin.

    yarn install
    cd NewApp/ios
    pod install
  3. Add a new Notification Service Extension target:
    a. In your XCode project, go to the File menu and select New > Target. A dialog box opens.
    b. In the dialog box, select iOS at the top and then select Notification Service Extension.
    c. Select Next, enter the extension name NewAppNotificationService, and choose Objective-C as
    d. Click Finish. If a dialog box opens, select Activate. The new target is added to the project.
    e. Change the new target bundle identifier prefix and use .notification.
    f. Verify that the new target has the same iOS version as the application target. SDK minimum supported version is 12.0.

  4. Add the framework to the notification service target.
    a. Select the new target General tab. Add AcousticMobilePushNotification.xcframework in Frameworks and Libraries section. It should be available in the Workspace/Pods list. Verify that Embed and Sign is selected.
    b. Add the MceConfig.json file to the Notification Service target. Open the file and check the notification service target membership in the Target Membership of the File Inspector in the Xcode pane.
    c. Add -ObjC to the Other Linker Flags build options for the Notification Service.
    d. Add App Group capability to both your notification service extension and Application target. Be sure to use the same app group as the main application.
    e. Add the Keychain Sharing capability to both your notification service extension and Application target. Be sure to use the same value as the main application.
    f. Replace the contents of NotificationService.m and NotificationService.h with the following code:

    // NotificationService.h
    #import <UserNotifications/UserNotifications.h>
    #import <AcousticMobilePushNotification/AcousticMobilePushNotification.h>
    @interface NotificationService : MCENotificationService
    // NotificationService.m
    #import "NotificationService.h"
    @implementation NotificationService

Test your React Native iOS and Android apps

Build once your environment is set up to install the packages - including sdk plugins:

cd NewApp
yarn install

Run Android

npx react-native run-android

Run iOS

  1. Run pod install.
    cd NewApp/ios
    pod install
  2. Open the .xcworkspace file in Xcode.
  3. Build to device or simulator.



The iOS Simulator is unable to handle push messages.