XML General Submit Element Definitions
Detailed information about General Submit Elements
General Submit Elements
- CAMPAIGN_ID (also known as Group ID)
- TRANSACTION_ID (optional)
XTMAILING - This required top-level element encapsulates the XML document that provides the generation and sending of transactional emails.
- Element type: N/A
- Data type: N/A
- Default Value: N/A
- Limit: N/A
- Values: N/A
- Note: N/A
- Occurrence indicators: None
- Attributes: None
Transact uses the Campaign ID to map the content to the Group of Automated Messages.
Example: Elements
Campaign_ID - Transact uses the required Campaign ID to map the content to the Group of Automated Messages. The sequence for this element is after the XTMAILING element.
A single XML document cannot submit to multiple IDs.
- Element type: Complex
- Data type: string
- Default Value: N/A
- Limit: 255 characters
- Values: Number of the Group that is used for the mailing, which must be a valid ID number that is assigned to the mailing.
- Occurrence indicators: None
- Attributes: None
Example: <CAMPAIGN_ID>300401</CAMPAIGN_ID>
TRANSACTION_ID This optional parameter is used by the sender for uniquely identifying a transaction. The value that is specified is returned in the Response Document if used in the original request.
- Element type: Complex
- Data type: string
- Default Value: N/A
- Limit: 255 characters
- Values: Transaction ID number to be used for the mailing (can be any Transaction ID number that is assigned by the sender).
- Occurrence indicators: minOccurs="0" - Values: 0 = element is optional
- Attributes: None
SHOW_ALL_SEND_DETAIL- This optional element sets the level of logging for all emails that are sent in the current submission. The sequence for this element is after the TRANSACTION_ID element.
- Element type: Complex
- Data type: Boolean
- Default Value: false
- Limit: N/A
- Values:
- true = Complete logging of all emails that are sent for the current submission.
- false = Response document contains only logged information for emails with errors.
- Occurrence indicators: minOccurs="0" - Values: 0 = element is optional
- Attributes: None
SEND_AS_BATCH - This optional element notifies Transact that it does not need to send the submission in real time; it can run it as a batch job. The sequence for this element is after the SHOW_ALL_SEND_DETAIL element. If you do not use this element, Transact sends the submission in real time.
is true, then the NO_RETRY_ON_FAILURE
element must be false to send as batch.
For HTTP submissions, we recommend singular (not batch).
- Element type: complex
- Data type: Boolean
- Default Value: false
- Limit: N/A
- Values:
- true = Send as batch job
- false = Send in real time
- Occurrence indicators: minOccurs=”0″ - Values: 0 = element is optional
- Attributes: None
NO_RETRY_ON_FAILURE - When this optional element is used, if the system encounters an error during the sending process (for example, PMTA failure, or is offline), it does not retry sending the message. The sequence for this element is after the SEND_AS_BATCH element.
- Element type: Complex
- Datatype: Boolean
- Default Value: false
- Limit: N/A
- Values:
- True = if an error is encountered during the sending process, do not retry send.
- False = retry send as soon as the error condition has been corrected.
- Occurrence indicators: minOccurs="0" - Values: 0 = element is optional
- Attributes: None
- Will not retry submission for parsing (or other data) errors in the submitted XML, regardless of this setting.
- If NO_RETRY_ON_FAILUREis set to true, the following message appears:
- "We are currently unable to process this request. Your request IS NOT being queued for a later send. There will NOT be any attempts to resend this request. Please try your request later or use an alternate send method."
- If NO_RETRY_ON_FAILUREis set to false, the following message appears:
- "We are currently unable to send your request. Your request IS BEING queued for a later send. As soon as the process is running, your request will be sent as intended."
- If NO_RETRY_ON_FAILUREis set to false and it fails, you get a batch.
SAVE_COLUMNS - Optional list of column names from the recipient elements to save to the database. The sequence for this element is after the NO_RETRY_ON_FAILURE element.
- Element type: Complex
- Data type: N/A
- Default Value: N/A
- Limit: N/A
- Values: N/A
- Occurrence indicators: minOccurs="0" - Values: 0 = element is optional
- Attributes: SAVE_TO_RESPONSE - this saves the corresponding columns under the personalization elements to the response. Valid values are True or False.
COLUMN_NAME - Optional column name from the recipient elements to save to the database. The sequence for this element is after the SAVE_COLUMNS element.
If you do not use this element, column names are not saved.
- Element type: Complex
- Data type: string
- Default Value: N/A
- Limit: 255 characters
- Values: List of column names.
- Occurrence indicators: minOccurs="unbounded" Values: Unbounded=no limit
Updated about 2 years ago