Transact XML Troubleshooting
How do you save personalized field values to the database in Transact XML?
Assuming that your personalized field values exist within an Acoustic Campaign database. You would use the Save Columns XML Tag.
This also applies to personalized parameters appended to a URL within the HTML code of an active mailing within a Transactional Message Group.
Below is an example:
In Transact XML why is it necessary to place the XML batch file in the Temp folder before placing it into the Inbound folder?
If the batch is a large file, the Transact server may try to download the file before it has finished uploading to the Inbound folder, resulting in an incomplete (and often corrupted) file. Placing the batch file within the temp folder prevents sending to an incomplete list or a corrupted file.
What is a Dynamic Link Leader encoded URL?
The Dynamic Link Leader encoded URL is the URL that is placed in the mailing. When the recipient of the Transact mail clicks the link, it resolves to the Acoustic Campaign tracking servlet. The URL parameters are processed by the servlet, the tracking data is updated, personalization substitutions are made, and the recipients' browser is redirected to the correct URL destination specified in the "&kd" parameter.
Static personalization information can also be provided through a Template, and use Acoustic Campaign tracking.
Please note the following when using Dynamic hyperlinks in the XML document:
- The XML must specify that the columns containing the data be saved in the List. The Acoustic Campaign server does the substitutions for personalized links using the data in the saved columns.
- When placing hyperlinks in CDATA, the corresponding personalization values must be placed in the XML Personalization section.
- The customer must completely compose XML embedded hyperlinks on their system.
- The customer must provide a default value in case the hyperlink personalization is incomplete either because it was not submitted in the XML, or the slight Acoustic Campaign server delay has not yet synced the information.
- Personalization strings should be limited to 255 characters. Data and markup over 255 characters will not be stored.
- The number of links included in the XML submission is not limited.
Hyperlinks that are improperly formed in the XML will not be tracked, and should not be used. For example, personalization that is unique to the customer's system cannot be used or tracked without following Personalization requirements in this section, and should be avoided to prevent tying up the Acoustic Campaign server. No error codes will be returned for this condition.
What is the link server URL for DLL Links on Transact POD 6?
In order to create pre-built Tracked links for use with Transact, we are instructed in documentation to use the appropriate Host server URL for each POD, the document is currently being updated with information on Pod 6.
When referring to the Transact XML Documentation and specifically the DLL Hyperlink Encoding section, please note that the appropriate Host Server URL for POD 6 is:
Transact Clicked Hyperlinks Go to the Wrong URL
Acoustic Campaign uses the Link Name for the hyperlink for tracking purposes. If you do not change the Link Name, Acoustic Campaign will substitute the hyperlink first associated with it (the Link Name in the XML is the "&k" parameter name that precedes the destination URL).
Transact Links No Longer Redirecting
When I originally sent my Transact XML mailing, the links worked as expected. But now, I'm taken to an anti-spam page. Why?
The most common cause of Transact links that once worked and now do not work is due to a mailing that was once active within the Transactional Message Group being deleted. Simply moving the active mailing within the Transactional Message Group to canceled/competed area will ensure it will not continue to send that version. Completely deleting the canceled/completed mailing is usually unnecessary and can cause the links to no longer redirect as expected.
Transact No Tracking, No Query String Parameters
A contact clicks the hyperlink in the message and goes to the destination site, but tracking does not occur and the query string parameters are missing.
It takes up to 10 minutes for Transact and Acoustic Campaign to synch information. If the contact receives the email and clicks the link before 10 minutes elapses, tracking and parameter substitution may not occur.
Transact Doesn't Recognize my Requests Using Tags
When I submit my Transact XML request with Tags, for example: <TAG_NAME>FirstName</TAG_NAME>
Transact doesn't appear to recognize them.
There are a number of possible reasons why Transact may not be recognizing the Tags within the XML:
- Allow at least 20 minutes for any changes to a Transactional Message Group to propagate through the system.
- Check that the Mailing is automated and that it is active against the correct Transactional Message Group. You must also ensure that your Transact XML Campaign ID references the correct Transactional Message Group ID (Campaign ID = Transactional Message Group ID within Transact Acoustic Campaign user interface).
- Check that the syntax of the tag name is exactly identical to the field name in the Transact Acoustic Campaign Database and Template.
If you receive the error message "one or more save columns not found in the list" the message is still sent.
For more information, refer to:
- Training:ENG500 Transact XML (available inside the Acoustic Campaign Training Tab or the Support Portal/Training Tab).
- Transact XML User Guide
Campaign/Group ID Does Not Display in Properties When the Campaign is Created
Sometimes navigating to another screen will help refresh the properties. Go to another screen and then return and check the link properties again. You can also complete a CTRL + F5 (on a PC) to refresh the page and clear the cache.
Transact Does Not Recognize a New Campaign
- Transact requires up to 10 minutes to synch with new Acoustic Campaign information. Allow 10 minutes to elapse, and then try again.
- Ensure the new Campaign/Group ID number is accurate within your XML code.
Transact Does Not Recognize the Tags Used within the XML Code
- Verify the active mailing is automated to the correct transactional message group and campaign ID.
- Confirm that the fields exist in the Acoustic Campaign Transact database and Template.
- Ensure that character case (uppercase and lowercase) matches the Acoustic Campaign fields within your Transact database.
Your message is still sent even if you receive the error message "one or more columns not found."
Transact Does Not Recognize My IP Address
Transact recognizes only IP addresses that you specify in your User IP Restrictions area. These User IP Restrictions will override any organization IP restrictions. For security, Transact will not respond to any IP address not specifically designated by you.
If Transact does not return any error codes, but the operation is not as expected (such as failing to deliver email or saved column items not appearing in a database after a significant wait), contact Acoustic Campaign Support.
Transact Does Not Recognize My IP Address
Transact recognizes only IP addresses that you specify in your User IP Restrictions area. These User IP Restrictions will override any organization IP restrictions. For security, Transact will not respond to any IP address not specifically designated by you.
If Transact does not return any error codes, but the operation is not as expected (such as failing to deliver email or saved column items not appearing in a database after a significant wait), contact Acoustic Campaign Org Admin.
Your Org Admin must set the IP address in Acoustic Campaign Set the IP Address for Transact sends.
Updated almost 3 years ago