XML Response Error Element Defintions
Definitions about General Submission Response and Error Elements
For information on Derived data types, see: W3C XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition.
This section contains these elements and their definitions:
Element: XTMAILING_RESPONSE - This required top-level element encapsulates the XML document that provides the response information for the generated and sent emails.
- Element type: Complex
- Data type: N/A
- Default Value: N/A
- Limit: N/A
- Values: None
- Occurrence indicators: None
- Attributes: None
Element: CAMPAIGN_ID - This required element allows Transact to use the Campaign ID to map the content to the Group of Automated Messages. The sequence for this element is after the XTMAILING_RESPONSE element.
- Element type: Complex
- Data type: String
- Default Value: N/A
- Limit: 255 characters
- Values: Number of the Group that is used for the mailing, which must be a valid ID number that is assigned to the user.
- Occurrence indicators: None
- Attributes: minOccurs=”1″ - Values: 1 = at least one of them is required
Example: <CAMPAIGN_ID>300401</CAMPAIGN_ID>
Element: TRANSACTION_ID - This optional parameter is used by the sender for uniquely identifying a transaction. The Response Document returns the value specified if used in the original request. The sequence for this element is after the CAMPAIGN_ID element.
- Element type: Complex
- Data type: String
- Default Value: N/A
- Limit: 255 characters
- Values: Transaction ID number to be used for the mailing. Can be any valid Transaction ID number that is assigned by the user.
- Occurrence indicators: None
- Attributes: minOccurs=”1″ - Values: 0 = element is optional
Element: RECIPIENTS_RECEIVED - This required element shows the number of recipients that are processed in the submission. The sequence for this element is after the TRANSACTION_ID element.
- Element type: Complex
- Data type: unsignedLong
- Default Value: N/A
- Limit: N/A
- Values: 1…n = Number of recipient addresses received.
- Occurrence indicators: None
- Attributes: None
Element: EMAILS_SENT - This required element shows the number of emails that are sent from the submission. The sequence for this element is after the RECIPIENTS_RECEIVED element.
- Element type: Complex
- Data type: unsignedLong
- Default Value: N/A
- Limit: N/A
- Values: 1…n = Number of emails sent.
- Occurrence indicators: None
- Attributes: None
Element: NUMBER_ERRORS - This required element shows the number of errors that are generated when processing the submission. The sequence of this element is after the EMAILS_SENT element.
- Element type: Complex
- Data type: unsignedLong
- Default Value: 0
- Limit: N/A
- Values: 1…n = Number of errors.
- Occurrence indicators: None
- Attributes: None
Element: STATUS - This required element gives the description of errors that are generated when processing the submission. The sequence of this element is after the NUMBER_ERRORS element.
Element type: Complex
Data type: unsignedInt
Default Value: N/A
Limit: N/A
0 - Did not encounter any errors during the send; all recipients sent.
1 - Encountered errors during the send; some or all recipients were not sent
2 - Encountered errors with the XML submission; no recipients were sent; no recipient error details are provided, only the request-level error. -
Occurrence indicators: None
Attributes: None
Example: 2
Element: ERROR_CODE - This required element provides a detailed description of errors that are generated when processing the submission. The sequence of this element is after the STATUS element.
- Element type: Complex
- Data type: unsignedInt
- Default Value: N/A
- Limit: N/A
- Values: 1 n = Number identifying error code.
- Occurrence indicators: None
- Attributes: None
Element: ERROR_STRING - This required element shows the error message. The sequence of this element is after the ERROR_CODE element.
Element type: Complex
Data type: String
Default Value: N/A
Limit: 255 characters
Values: Error message sent.
Occurrence indicators: None
Attributes: None
Example: <ERROR_STRING>Campaign ID is missing</ERROR_STRING>
Updated over 4 years ago