Migrate a project from jar to aar in Android


The sdk release 3.8.1 contains only aar binaries and no longer contains jar binaries.

Migrate the SDK

  1. Remove the SDK jar from the libs folder.
  2. Add the SDK aar to the libs folder.
  3. In the main project build.gradle file, add the following to all projects repository:
    • flatDir
    • { dirs 'libs' }
  4. Add the following to the app's build.gradle dependencies:
implementation (name:'sdk aar file name without the extension', ext:'aar')

Migrate a plug-in

  1. Remove the plug-in jar from the libs folder.
  2. Remove all the plug-in resources that were added to the project.
  3. Add the plug-in aar to the libs folder.
  4. Add the following to the app's build.gradle dependencies:
implementation (name:'plugin aar file name without the extension', ext:'aar')