Create and delete an SMS program

Create an SMS program

How it works

If you have the SMS Acoustic Exchange Sender feature enabled for your Org you will need to use this API to create SMS Text to Join Programs instead of SMS Campaign Manager.

Note: This API is only available for Orgs that have SMS Acoustic Exchange Sender feature enabled.

Use Case
Use this REST API to create an SMS program when you have the SMS Acoustic Exchange Sender feature enabled for your SMS Org.

Requirements to use this API

  1. Your Campaign org must have SMS enabled by provisioning and be provisioned to send SMS messages through the Acoustic Exchange Sender feature.
  2. A database in your Campaign org must have SMS enabled.
  3. The user making the API call must be enabled for SMS.
  4. The user making the API call must have valid Oauth credentials.

Note: Up to 10 concurrent requests are allowed to our API servers at any given time when using the OAuth method for authentication.

POST /channels/sms/program


programNameName of the SMS Program, required, stringBlack FridayProgram Name must be unique and contain between 1 and 50 characters.
campaignNameSMS Campaign Name, required, string2020 Holiday SalesAn SMS Campaign may contain one or more programs. Campaign name must be between 1 and 50 characters.
codeSMS Program Long/Short Code, required, string87767SMS code must be numeric. Code will not be used in case of 1-way messaging but is required for the program to be displayed in the user interface.
senderIdSender ID for the SMS Program, optional, stringWATSONNot supported in some countries. In case of 1-way messaging, this is required field.
statusStatus of the SMS Program, required, stringACTIVEAPI call will fail if status is not ACTIVE
typeSMS Program type, required, stringTEXT_TO_JOINAPI call will fail if type is not TEXT_TO_JOIN (not case sensitive).
countrySMS program country represented by two alpha characters, required, stringUSCountry will not be used in case of 1-way messaging but is required for the program to be displayed in the user interface.

Sample payload


 "programName": "Black Friday"

 "campaignName": "2017 Holiday Sales",

 "code": "87767",

 "senderId": "WATSON",

 "status": "active",

 "type": "Text_to_Join",

 "country": "UK"


Response codes

SMS program name is blank or greater than 50 characters.400SMS program name must be between 1 and 50 characters.
SMS campaign name is blank or greater than 50 characters.400SMS program name must be between 1 and 50 characters.
SMS code contains non-numeric characters.400SMS code must be numeric.
SMS program senderId is greater than 11 characters.400SMS program senderId must be between 1 and 11 characters.
SMS program status is not ACTIVE.400SMS status must be set too ACTIVE.
SMS program type is not TEXT_TO_JOIN or Text_to_Join.400SMS program type must be TEXT_TO_JOIN or Text_to_Join.
SMS country code entered is something other than two alpha characters400SMS program country must be valid two character country code.
User is not on an SMS-enabled Org403Forbidden
User calling the API is not SMS enabled403Forbidden
UBX Sender feature is not enabled for the Org405Unsupported operation

Test your API call

Use Swagger to test your API call. To access the Swagger environment for your Org, replace {POD#} with the Pod where your Org exists:


For example, here’s the link to use if your Org is on Pod 1:!/channels/sms_to_contacts_post_6

Delete an SMS program

How it works

If you have the SMS [shortcode-variables slug="ubx-short"] Sender feature enabled for your Org you will need to use this API to delete an SMS Text to Join Program.

Note: This API is only available for Orgs that have SMS [shortcode-variables slug="ubx-short"] Sender feature enabled.

Use case

Use this REST API to delete an SMS program when you have the SMS [shortcode-variables slug="ubx-short"] Sender feature enabled for your SMS Org.

Requirements to use this API

  1. Your Campaign org must have SMS enabled by provisioning and be provisioned to send SMS messages through the [shortcode-variables slug="ubx-short"] Sender feature.
  2. A database in your Campaign org must have SMS enabled.
  3. The user making the API call must be enabled for SMS.
  4. The user making the API call must have valid Oauth credentials.
    Note: Up to 10 concurrent requests are allowed to our API servers at any given time when using the OAuth method for authentication.


DELETE /channels/sms/program/{programId}


programIdSMS program Id to be deleted, required, string12345ProgramId is provided in the response to a successful Create an SMS Program API call. Alternatively, you can call Get all SMS Programs for an Org API to retrieve a programId.

Response codes

ScenarioResponse codeMessage
User is not on an SMS-enabled Org403Forbidden
User calling the API is not SMS enabled403Forbidden
Program ID not found404Unable to locate SMS program ID {}
UBX Sender feature is not enabled for this Org405Unsupported operation

Test your API call

Use Swagger to test your API call. To access the Swagger environment for your Org, replace {POD#} with the Pod where your Org exists:


For example, here’s the link to use if your Org is on Pod 1:!/channels/delete_sms_program_delete_8