Database management

Database Management interfaces allow you to invoke Acoustic Campaign functions directly related to database contacts.

(Add a Contact) – used to add one new contact to an existing Acoustic Campaign database.
(Calculate the Current Contacts for a Query) – used to calculate the number of contacts for a Acoustic Campaign query.
(Create a Query or Classic Query) – used to programmatically create a query of a Acoustic Campaign database.
(Double Opt-In a Contact) – used to confirm the Opt‐in for a contact in a Acoustic Campaign Double Opt‐in Database.
(Export from a Database) – used to export contact data from an Acoustic Campaign database, query, or contact list.
(Get a List of Databases) – used to extract a list of Acoustic Campaign databases for an organization.
(Get Database details) – used to return the description of an Acoustic Campaign database, query, or Relational table.
(Import to a Database) – used along with SFTP to allow importing a batch file that contains new, modified, or opted out contacts. Contacts can also be added to an existing Acoustic Campaign Contact list.
(Opt out a Contact) – used to move a contact in an Acoustic Campaign database to an opted‐out state.
(Purge Data) – used to delete all records from an Acoustic Campaign database, suppression, seed, test or contact list (target) based on the contacts that exist in a specific database, contact list, or query (source).
(Remove a Contact) – used to remove a contact from an Acoustic Campaign database or contact list. CAUTION: Removing a recipient from a database also removes all tracking for mailings sent to the recipient and cannot be undone.
(Select Contact Details) – used to retrieve information about a contact in an Acoustic Campaign database.
(Set a Column Value) – used to update a column value for all records in an Acoustic Campaign Restricted database or an Acoustic Campaign query.
(Update a Contact) – used to update a contact in an existing Acoustic Campaign database.