Get a list of sent emails for an organization - GetSentMailingsForList

Extracts a listing of Acoustic Campaign emails sent for a particular database and specified date range.

The user account calling the API must have Organization Administration rights.

Elements (Required)

DATE_START - The starting date in the format "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss"

DATE_END - The ending date in the format "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss"

LIST_ID - The ID of the Database or Query for which to retrieve Mailings.

Elements (Optional)

PRIVATE - Retrieves private emails. If the API does not receive a private or shared parameter, Acoustic Campaign returns both private and shared emails.

SHARED - Retrieves shared emails.

SCHEDULED - Retrieves scheduled emails. If the API does not receive an email type, Acoustic Campaign returns emails of all types. Acoustic Campaign uses the various email type parameters to limit the list to only the specified types.

SENT - Retrieves sent emails.

SENDING - Retrieves emails that are sending. The SCHEDULED element includes emails in SENDING status.

OPTIN_CONFIRMATION - Retrieves Opt-In autoresponder emails.

PROFILE_CONFIRMATION - Retrieves Edit Profile autoresponder emails.

AUTOMATED - Retrieves Custom autoresponder emails.

CAMPAIGN_ACTIVE - Retrieves active automated messages (including programs messages).

CAMPAIGN_COMPLETED - Retrieves completed groups of automated messages.

CAMPAIGN_CANCELLED - Retrieves canceled groups of automated messages.

CAMPAIGN_SCRAPE_TEMPLATE - Retrieves emails that use content retrieval.

INCLUDE_TAGS - Returns all tags associated with the sent emails.

EXCLUDE_ZERO_SENT - Excludes emails with no contacts.

MAILING_COUNT_ONLY - Returns only the count of sent emails for a specific date range.

EXCLUDE_TEST_MAILINGS - Excludes test emails from your results. If you do not provide this element, Acoustic Campaign includes all test emails.

INCLUDE_CHILDREN - Retrieves mailings for queries based on the specified Database ID.

        <ScheduledTS>2011-06-14 10:54:06.0</ScheduledTS>
          <![CDATA[This is the mailingname]]>
          <![CDATA[This is the databasename]]>
        <UserName> John Doe </UserName>
        <ScheduledTS>2011-06-14 10:54:06.0</ScheduledTS>
          <![CDATA[This is the databasename 2]]>
        <UserName>John Doe</UserName>

Elements (Results)

SUCCESS - True if successful, false if not.

Mailing - XML nodes that define the instances of each email.

The following elements are all children of Mailings.

MailingId - Returns the email ID

ParentTemplateId - Returns the parent email ID for the email.

ReportId - Returns the report ID for an instance of an automated email.

ScheduledTS - Returns the scheduled date and time in the format: "mm/dd/yy hh:mm AMPM"

MailingName - Returns the email name

ListName - Returns the database name

ListId - Returns the ID of the database, Query ID, or Contact List that the email was sent to.

ParentListId - Returns the ID of the parent database when the email sent to a Query or Contact List. If the email was not sent to a Query or Contact List, this element is not included.

UserName - Returns the email owner's user name.

SentTS - Returns the date and time Acoustic Campaign sent sent the email.

NumSent - Returns the number of contacts to whom Acoustic Campaign sent an email.

SentMailingsCount - Returns the number of sent emails.

Subject - Returns the email subject.

Visibility - Returns visibility information about the email: values are Private or Shared.

Tags - If INCLUDE_TAGS is specified in the request, return an tags associated with the sent email.
Tag - A child of the Tags element that contains the Tags associated the sent email.