Removes a contact from an Acoustic Campaign database or contact list.
For a Restricted database (that's not on the Email column), you must include all unique key columns with their corresponding name-value pairs.
For a Flexible database, you must specify one or more columns that serve a Sync Fields to look up the contact.
Before you make this call
Removing a contact from a database also removes all tracking for mailings sent to the contact and cannot be undone.
Elements (Required)
LIST_ID - Unique ID of the database or contact list from where to remove contact.
EMAIL - The email address of the contact to remove, required only if the database is restricted on the Email column or the Email column is a composite key of a restricted database.
COLUMN - XML nodes that define the column name and value used to look up a contact in a database or contact list. You must include all unique key columns with their corresponding name-value pairs when using this operation on a database restricted on a column other than Email. If your database is a Flexible database, one or more columns that serve as Sync Fields must be specified to look up the contact.
Note: If more than one contact is found matching the lookup columns, all contacts are removed.
Name - A child element of COLUMN. Specifies the name of a field that is either part of the unique key for Restricted databases or a sync field for Flexible databases.
Value - A child element of COLUMN that specifies the value for the field.
<!-- This example shows a Restricted database with only the Email as the key. -->
<!-- This example shows a Restricted database with Customer ID and Account Number as keys. -->
<NAME>Customer Id</NAME>
<NAME>Account Number</NAME>
<!-- This example shows a Restricted database with Email, Customer ID, and Account Number as keys. -->
<NAME>Customer Id</NAME>
<NAME>Account Number</NAME>
<!-- This example shows a Flexible database with the Customer Number as a sync field. -->
<NAME>Customer Number</NAME>
<!-- This example shows a Flexible database targeting a specific Email that shares an Account Number with other records. The Account Number is used as a sync field. -->
<NAME>Account Number</NAME>
Elements (Response)
SUCCESS - True if successful, False if not.
ORGANIZATION_ID - Identifies your Acoustic Campaign organization.