Returns details about an Acoustic Campaign mailing sent to a specific contact.
Use with SureFrom code
This call uses the SureFrom code that can be placed in the mailing body.
Elements (Required)
SURE_FROM_CODE - An ID that can return in a mailing body and validate that a mailing is legitimate.
ORGANIZATION_ID - One or more Organization IDs that are checked for the SureFrom code.
<SUBJECT>Upcoming Release</SUBJECT>
<SUBJECT>Upcoming Release</SUBJECT>
<FaultString>The value you entered could not be confirmed.</FaultString>
Elements (Results)
SUCCESS - True if successful; False if not.
SENT_TIMESTAMP - The date/time that the mailing was sent in GMT.
FROM_NAME - The From name of the mailing’s sender.
FROM_ADDRESS - The From address (email) of the mailing’s sender.
SUBJECT - The subject of the mailing.
The following response elements only return if the ORGANIZATION_ID is provided in the request:
TO_ADDRESS - The recipient email address of the provided SEND_FROM_CODE.
CLICK_TO_VIEW - The Click To View URL of the personalized mailing body for the provided SEND_FROM_CODE recipient.
ORGANIZATION_ID - The Organization ID of the organization that sent the mailing for the provided SEND_FROM_CODE.