In-App content API

In-app messages will be retrieved when you bring the app to the foreground. This means that in-app messages delivered as the result of a location- or beacon-triggered program will not be available until the user puts the app in the background and brings it to the foreground at least once, or triggers a location change, after the delay associated with phone home expires. (This delay may be up to 24 hours.)



The way a user sends an in-app message using the UI will not change, and the in-app template will not change.

REST APIs for in-app messages

In-app messages are no longer associated with a push message. Therefore, changes need to be made to the payload of your in-app messages.
In-app mobile app messages now look more like inbox mobile app messages. What this means is that you'll have to publish the in-app message first, get an inAppContentId for that message, and then refer to the inAppContentId when you use the API to send a message.
If you create a custom in-app message with unique information for each of your users, contact support to go over what the best solution is for you.


AttributeData TypeDescription
personalizationDefaults [Optional]MapMap of key value pairs for personalization defaults.
personalizationFormulas [Optional]MapMap of key value pairs for personalization formulas
payload [Optional]InappContentMapn/a


AttributeData TypeDescription
gcm [optional]InAppTemplateContentn/a
apns [optional]InAppTemplateContentn/a


AttributeData TypeDescription
rules (optional)Array[String]List of inApp message rules to apply
template (optional)StringTemplate name
maxViews (optional)IntegerMaximum number of views on the InApp message
content (optional)InAppContentn/a


AttributeData TypeDescription
mainImage (optional)StringMain image url string
title (optional)StringTitle
text (optional)StringText
color (optional)StringColor
icon (optional)StringIcon
action (optional)InAppActionn/a


AttributeData TypeDescription
type (optional)StringInApp action type
value (optional)StringInApp action value if any

Default In-App Payload

  "personalizationDefaults": "Map",
  "personalizationFormulas": "Map",
  "payload": {
    "gcm": {
      "rules": [
      "template": "String",
      "maxViews": "Integer",
      "content": {
        "mainImage": "String",
        "title": "String",
        "text": "String",
        "color": "String",
        "icon": "String",
        "action": {
          "type": "String",
          "value": "String"
    "apns": {
      "rules": [
      "template": "String",
      "maxViews": "Integer",
      "content": {
        "mainImage": "String",
        "title": "String",
        "text": "String",
        "color": "String",
        "icon": "String",
        "action": {
          "type": "String",
          "value": "String"

Publishing the message

To publish your in-app message, send a POST to /channels/push/inappcontent with a payload that represents your in-app message. Here are four examples.

Example 1 – Bottom banner placement

  "payload": {
    "gcm": {
      "rules": [
      "template": "default",
      "maxViews": 3,
      "content": {
        "mainImage": "",
        "title": "Hello %%First_Name%%",
        "text": "Hello %%First_Name%%, this offer expires at %%expiration_date%% starting now %%cust_timestamp%%",
        "color": "#00ff00",
        "icon": "note",
        "action": {
          "type": "url",
          "value": ""
    "apns": {
      "rules": [
      "template": "default",
      "maxViews": 3,
      "content": {
        "mainImage": "",
        "title": "Hello %%First_Name%%",
        "text": "Hello %%First_Name%%, this offer expires at %%expiration_date%% starting now %%cust_timestamp%%",
        "color": "#00ff00",
        "icon": "note",
        "action": {
          "type": "url",
          "value": ""
  "personalizationDefaults": {
    "First_Name": "Valued Customer",
    "expiration_date": "",
    "cust_timestamp": ""
  "personalizationFormulas": {
    "cust_timestamp": "format(Dated, \"dd-MM-yyyy\")",
    "expiration_date": "format(Customer_Date, \"dd-MM-yyyy\")"

Example 2 – Top banner placement

  "payload": {
    "gcm": {
      "rules": [
      "template": "default",
      "maxViews": 3,
      "content": {
        "orientation": "top",
        "mainImage": "",
        "title": "Hello %%First_Name%%",
        "text": "Hello %%First_Name%%, this offer expires at %%expiration_date%% starting now %%cust_timestamp%%",
        "color": "#00ff00",
        "icon": "note",
        "action": {
          "type": "url",
          "value": ""
    "apns": {
      "rules": [
      "template": "default",
      "maxViews": 3,
      "content": {
        "orientation": "top",
        "mainImage": "",
        "title": "Hello %%First_Name%%",
        "text": "Hello %%First_Name%%, this offer expires at %%expiration_date%% starting now %%cust_timestamp%%",
        "color": "#00ff00",
        "icon": "note",
        "action": {
          "type": "url",
          "value": ""
  "personalizationDefaults": {
    "First_Name": "Valued Customer",
    "expiration_date": "",
    "cust_timestamp": ""
  "personalizationFormulas": {
    "cust_timestamp": "format(Dated, \"dd-MM-yyyy\")",
    "expiration_date": "format(Customer_Date, \"dd-MM-yyyy\")"

Example 3 – Image template

  "payload": {
    "gcm": {
      "rules": [
      "template": "default",
      "maxViews": 3,
      "content": {
        "title": "Hello %%First_Name%%",
        "text": "Hello %%First_Name%%, this offer expires at %%expiration_date%% starting now %%cust_timestamp%%",
        "image": "",
        "action": {
          "type": "url",
          "value": ""
    "apns": {
      "rules": [
      "template": "default",
      "maxViews": 3,
      "content": {
        "title": "Hello %%First_Name%%",
        "text": "Hello %%First_Name%%, this offer expires at %%expiration_date%% starting now %%cust_timestamp%%",
        "image": "",
        "action": {
          "type": "url",
          "value": ""
  "personalizationDefaults": {
    "First_Name": "Valued Customer",
    "expiration_date": "",
    "cust_timestamp": ""
  "personalizationFormulas": {
    "cust_timestamp": "format(Dated, \"dd-MM-yyyy\")",
    "expiration_date": "format(Customer_Date, \"dd-MM-yyyy\")"

Example 4 – Video template

  "payload": {
    "gcm": {
      "rules": [
      "template": "default",
      "maxViews": 3,
      "content": {
        "title": "Hello %%First_Name%%",
        "text": "Hello %%First_Name%%, this offer expires at %%expiration_date%% starting now %%cust_timestamp%%",
        "video": "",
        "action": {
          "type": "url",
          "value": ""
    "apns": {
      "rules": [
      "template": "default",
      "maxViews": 3,
      "content": {
        "title": "Hello %%First_Name%%",
        "text": "Hello %%First_Name%%, this offer expires at %%expiration_date%% starting now %%cust_timestamp%%",
        "video": "",
        "action": {
          "type": "url",
          "value": ""
  "personalizationDefaults": {
    "First_Name": "Valued Customer",
    "expiration_date": "",
    "cust_timestamp": ""
  "personalizationFormulas": {
    "cust_timestamp": "format(Dated, \"dd-MM-yyyy\")",
    "expiration_date": "format(Customer_Date, \"dd-MM-yyyy\")"

After doing the POST, you'll receive an ID back that will look something like this:

    "meta": {
        "attributes": {},
        "generalErrors": [],
        "fieldErrors": {},
        "links": [],
        "nextPageUrl": null
    "data": {
        "location": "",
        "id": "MqU8NG7y"

Use the value from the id field when you send your in-app message.



There is no place to see this ID in the user interface; if you misplace it, you will need to publish the message again to get a new ID.

Sending an in-app message to a user

After publishing the message, POST to /channels/push/sends or /channels/push/sends/usingAppFrequency to send it. The InAppContent ID can also be used in the push to segment with inline content API:POST /channels/push/sendjobs



The value of inAppContentId in the inAppMessage section of the payload is the same value you received for id when you published the in-app message.

  "channelQualifiers": [
 "content": {
    "inAppMessage": {
      "expirationDate": "2018-08-25T22:34:51.123+00:00",
      "maxViews": 3,
      "inAppContentId": "MqU8NG7y"
  "personalizationDefaults": {
    "first_name": "Valued",
    "last_name": "Customer"
  "contacts": [
      "contactId": 13507,
      "personalization": {
        "first_name": "Michael",
        "last_name": "iOS iPhone"

Sending an in-app message to a contact source (segment)

You can send an in-app message to a contact source. For this you would POST to /channels/push/sendjobs, and would need both the contact source ID and the in-app message ID:

"contactSourceId": 10111,
  "campaignName": "In-app only",
  "messageName": "In-app only 2016-06-15",
  "appKeys": [
  "content": {
    "inAppMessage": {
      "expirationDate": "2018-08-25T22:34:51.123+00:00",
      "maxViews": 3,
      "inAppContentId": "MqU8NG7y"

If you use /channels/push/sends/usingAppFrequency, in-app messages will count towards your total messages sent. Sending one in-app push will reduce by one, the total number of other messages you can send during a time period.
Don't confuse message frequency with maxViews: a single in-app message may permit multiple viewings (up to maxViews) after delivery.