REST API overview

REST API endpoints

For all of the API endpoints below, the client token, secret, and refresh token are bound to the issuing Organization only. To ensure that you are able to access the most accurate information, be sure to use the link that corresponds to your pod.

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Note: Response codes can be found here.

See detailed information about API requests and responses, as well as use swagger linked to each API endpoint to test your APIs

Channels (Operations that are related Push and SMS)

REST API call nameDescription
Push Sends
Use this REST API to perform a push notification send to contacts.

Note: Inbox and Inapp for Windows is supported.
Push Published Messages
Use this REST API to send a push notification to a contact source.
Send a Push notification
Use this REST API to send a push notification with inline content to a contact source.

Note: Inbox and Inapp for Windows is supported.
Push Rich Content
Use this REST API to create rich content.

Note: Inbox and Inapp for Windows is supported.
Get Rich Push Content
Use this REST API to get rich content.
Use this REST API to create inapp messages. Then use another api, such as the Push to Contact API, to send your InApp message that was already created.
Send SMS to a Contact Source
Use this REST API to send a published SMS message to a contact source.
Send SMS to input contacts
Use this REST API to send a Transactional SMS message to input contacts.

Note: SMS phone numbers must include country code.
Perform a SMS send to external consent contacts
Use this API to send SMS messages to contacts not required to be in your SMS database. Mobile numbers that are not found in your SMS database are added to your SMS database for event processing. Consent management for this API is external to and is the responsibility of the API user.

Note: SMS phone numbers must include country code.
SMS Send Status
Use this REST API to get an SMS send status for both Transactional SMS API and SMS External Consent API.
Retrieve published messages
Use this REST API to Retrieve published messages for SMS or push. Provide type in path as SMS or push for respective messages.
Get all SMS Programs for an Org
Use this API to retrieve a list of all active SMS Text to Join programs for an Org.
Get an SMS Program status
Use this REST API to get SMS Text to Join program details for a given SMS Program ID.
Create an SMS Program
Use this REST API to create an SMS Text to Join program to be used with the SMS Sender feature.

Note: This API is only applicable when the Org is provisioned to send SMS through Campaign Sender.
Update an SMS Program attributes for a given SMS Program
Use this REST API to update attributes of an existing SMS Text to Join program that was created to be used with the SMS Campaign Sender feature.

Note: This API is only applicable when the Org is provisioned to send SMS through Campaign Sender.
Delete an SMS Program
Use this REST API to delete an SMS Text to Join program that was created to be used with the SMS Campaign Sender feature.

Note: This API is only applicable when the Org is provisioned to send SMS through Campaign Sender.

Note: Some providers limit the number of push or SMS messages to the same device within a period of time. Repeatedly calling these APIs over a short period of time can result in fewer delivered messages than calls.

Contact sources

REST API Call NameDescription
Retrieve BCC
Use this REST API to get the Contact Source’s BCC Address.
Update BCC
Use this REST API to set the Contact Source BCC Address.


REST API Call NameDescription
LookUp Keys
Use this REST API to delete the lookup key for a database field. The lookup key is deleted, if allowed.
LookUp Keys
This REST API can be used to get the lookup key for a database field.

Note: The lookup key cannot be used until it reaches an ACTIVE status.
LookUp Keys – All
Use this REST API to get ALL the lookup keys for this database.

Note: A lookup key cannot be used until it reaches an ACTIVE status.
LookUp Keys
Use this REST API to create a lookup key for a database field. The lookup key’s information is returned, if it is successfully created or exists.

Note: The lookup key cannot be used until it reaches an ACTIVE status.
Channel Consent
Use this REST API to get the SMS consent value for a given database, channel, qualifier, and destination.
Channel Consent
Use this REST API to update or insert the consent value for a given database, channel, qualifier, and destination.
Contact by Channel
Use this REST API to get the contact for a given database, channel, qualifier and destination.
Contact by Channel
Use this REST API to add or update a contact with the given contact data using channel information.
Contact by LookUp Key
This REST API updates the Contact with the given contact data using lookup key pair.
Contact by LookUp Key
This REST API retrieves data for Contact(s) with the given lookup key filter(s) from the Database.
Contact API
This REST API updates the Contact with the given contactId in the Database with the given databaseId.
Contact API
This REST API creates a Contact in a given Database.
Contact API
Use this API to retrieve a contact representation for a given databaseId and contactId.
Contact Messages
This REST API retrieves the messages for the given Contact in the given Database.

Note: Data is retrieved for the last 31 days. Users are unable to modify the date range.
CRM Campaigns Manager
This REST API creates or updates a record in a Crm campaign for a given contact, databaseId and crmCampaignKey.
Establish Identity
Use this REST API to update or merge contact with existing contact matching consent.
Event Type Mappings
This REST API returns the Event Type Mappings to a given Database.

Relational Tables (Operations Related to Relational Tables)

REST API Call NameDescription
Associated Relational Table Data API (POST)Use this API to load the data from your relational table. Accepted date format: MM/dd/yyyy

Events (Operations Related to Universal Behaviors)

REST API Call NameDescription
Retrieve event submission errors. Use this REST API to periodically check to see if any of your event submissions have failed validation.
Use this REST API to submit new behavioral events. Here are the event codes and event names to use for the events/submission service. To understand the attributes associated with these events, use the eventtypes/{code} service inputting the event code shown.

Event types

REST API Call NameDescription
Use this REST API to retrieve an Event Type with the given code.

Organization Settings

REST API Call NameDescription
Retrieve BCC
Use this REST API to get the Org BCC Address.
Update BCC
Use this REST API to set the Org BCC Address.


REST API Call NameDescription
Retrieve a Program
Use this REST API to retrieve a program with the given id.
Retrieve a List of Programs
Use this REST API to retrieve a list of programs with the given id.
Create a Program
This REST API creates a program with the provided parameters.
Update a Program
Use this REST API to update a program.


REST API Call NameDescription
Web Tracking
This REST API provides the script to be embedded in a site that wants to implement web tracking.

Messages (Operations that are related to Messages)

REST API Call NameDescription
Retrieve offer details for a scheduled messages Id
Use this API to Retrieve offer details for a scheduled message ID.