Replaces an existing ruleset with new parameters
Elements (Required)
RULESET_ID - The ID of the ruleset to replace
CONTENT_AREAS - The content area defines default content used when a user falls outside of all existing rule criteria as well as additional content areas in the email body.
CONTENT_AREA - A child element of CONTENT_AREAS, included if content is defined by the name or type attributes. The name attribute is the name of the content area being defined. The type attribute is the type of content area defined as Body_HTML, Body-Text, Subject, From, or From-Name. You may create a ruleset and associated rules in the asset library without related content areas.
DEFAULT_CONTENT - A child element of CONTENT_AREA that shows if there is no matching rule. For HTML content, this must be CDATA. It also has the name attribute to define the name of the default Content Block.
The following elements are children of RULES > RULE
RULE_NAME - The name of the dynamic content rule
PRIORITY - The priority of this rule vs other rules defined with a unique number. Priority is determined in ascending order with '1' being the highest.
AND_OR - Denotes AND or OR when defining relationships between expressions.
LEFT_PARENS - Denotes a left parenthesis character when defining relationships between expressions
TYPE - The type of expression: NE (numeric), DE (date/time), or TE (text)
COLUMN_NAME - The name of the database field being evaluated
OPERATORS - The operator for comparison: !=, <, =, IS NOT null, IS null, LIKE, NOT like, IN, NOT in, and BETWEEN
VALUES - The value being compared to the Acoustic Campaign database field. This could be text, numeric, date value, a list of values, or the name of a column. If specifying a column, surround with brackets [ ]. If specifying a list of values, use the pipe character | to separate values in the list.
RIGHT_PARENS - Denotes a right parenthesis character when defining relationships between expressions.
<CONTENT_AREA name="dc_mailing_subject" type="Subject">
<DEFAULT_CONTENT name="Default.dc_mailing_subject"><![CDATA[All clothing on sale this week.]]></DEFAULT_CONTENT>
<CONTENT_AREA name="dc_promo" type="Body-HTML">
<DEFAULT_CONTENT name="Default.dc_promo"><![CDATA[10%Off
<AND_OR />
<CONTENT name="subject" content_area="dc_mailing_subject"><![CDATA[Men's clothing on sale.]]></CONTENT>
<CONTENT name="promo" content_area="dc_promo"><![CDATA[10% Off All Men's Clothing]]></CONTENT>
<AND_OR />
<CONTENT name="subject" content_area="dc_mailing_subject"><![CDATA[Women's clothing on sale.]]></CONTENT>
<CONTENT name="promo" content_area="dc_promo"><![CDATA[10% Off All Women's Clothing]]></CONTENT>
Elements (Results)
SUCCESS - True if successful; False if not
RULESET_ID - Contains the new ruleset ID