Import a relational table from an FTP server - ImportTable

Create or updates an Acoustic Campaign relational table by importing the source and mapping files from an FTP server.

This operation requires a mapping file and source file stored on the FTP server related to the Acoustic Campaign account used to login. When the relational table source and mapping files are uploaded to the FTP server, you can make an ImportTable API call to start the job. See Relational Table Definition and Column Mapping Format for more information.



This operation does not associate the relational table to a database. See Associate relational data with contacts in a database to create an association.

Elements (Required)

MAP_FILE - The name of the mapping file in the upload directory on the FTP server to use for the import.

SOURCE_FILE - The name of the file containing the relational table data to use in the import. This file must be in the upload directory on the FTP server.

Elements (Optional)

EMAIL - If specified, the email address receives notification when the job is complete.

FILE_ENCODING - Defines the encoding of the source file. Supported values are:

  • UTF-8
  • ISO-8859-1
    If not specified, Campaign uses the org default encoding.

Elements (Results)

SUCCESS - True if successful; False if not.

JOB_ID - Identifies the Acoustic Campaign background job created and scheduled for this import