Export web tracking events - WebTrackingDataExport

Exports unique Acoustic Campaign Web Tracking events and creates a compressed file containing a single flat file with all events.

You can request all (or a subset) of the Event Types. The API makes it possible to specify the following:

  • One or more Landing Pages Sites
  • One or more Custom Domains
  • A specific database
  • An Event Date Range
  • If a Site, Domain, or database is not specified, all events for the Event Date Range is returned for the Organization of the calling user.

A file is generated based on the request and placed in the Stored Files or FTP account associated with the Acoustic Campaign user that calls the API.



WebTrackingDataExport returns data only for known events.

Elements (Optional)

EVENT_DATE_START - Specifies the beginning boundary of activity for events to receive. Note: Events within the range of the organization's retention setting returns when the data range includes days older than the retention setting. All available web tracking data within the specified range are provided.

EVENT_DATE_END - Specifies the ending boundary of activity for events to receive.

DOMAINS - Specifies one or more custom domains to export events.
DOMAIN_ID - A child element of DOMAINS that indicates a custom domain to export events.

SITES - Specifies one or more landing pages sites to export events.
SITE_ID - A child element of SITES that indicates a site to export events.

DATABASE_ID - Optional based on the recipient database field columns requested.

EXPORT_FORMAT - Defines the source file formatting by 0 (CSV file), 1 (pipe-separated file), or 2 (tab-separated file). If you do not specify, Acoustic Campaign uses the default format (CSV).

EXPORT_FILE_NAME - If specified, the value is used to replace ‘Web Tracking Export’ in the file name. The date and time is appended to the file name.

FILE_ENCODING - Defines the exported file encoding by utf-8 or iso-8859-1. If not specified, Acoustic Campaign uses the organization's default encoding.

EMAIL - If specified, the provided email address receives notification when the job is complete.

MOVE_TO_FTP - Retrieves the output file programmatically. If specified, Acoustic Campaign moves the files to download directory of the user's FTP space. If you omit the MOVE_TO_FTP element, Acoustic Campaign places exported files in the Export Files area of Acoustic Campaign.

ALL_EVENT_TYPES - Specify to receive all events regardless of Event Type. If ALL_EVENT_TYPES is used, do not specify any of the individual event types. At least one event type must be specified when ALL_EVENT_TYPES is not included.

INCLUDE_SITE_VISIT_EVENTS - Specify to receive Site Visit events.

INCLUDE_PAGE_VIEW_EVENTS - Specify to receive Page View events.

INCLUDE_CLICK_EVENTS - Specify to receive Click events.

INCLUDE_FORM_SUBMIT_EVENTS - Specify to receive Form Submit events.

INCLUDE_DOWNLOAD_EVENTS - Specify to receive Download events.

INCLUDE_MEDIA_EVENTS - Specify to receive Played Media events.

INCLUDE_SHARE_TO_SOCIAL_EVENTS - Specify to receive Share to Social events.

INCLUDE_CUSTOM_EVENTS - Specify to receive Custom events.

COLUMNS - XML node used to request database columns to export for each contact. The generated file contains columns for each of the column names specified in the request.
COLUMN - A child element of COLUMNS.
NAME - A child element of COLUMN specifying the field name.

         <EVENT_DATE_START>12/01/2011 00:00:00</EVENT_DATE_START>
         <EVENT_DATE_END>12/02/2011 23:59:00</EVENT_DATE_END>
         <MOVE_TO_FTP />
         <ALL_EVENT_TYPES />
         <FILE_PATH>Web Tracking Export 
 Jan 11 2011 08-30-55 AM 1254.zip</FILE_PATH>

Elements (Results)

SUCCESS - True if successful, false if not.

JOB_ID - Specifies the resulting Background Job ID for the export. You can use this value with the GetJobStatus and/or DeleteJob APIs.

FILE_PATH - Returns the file name of the export file. If EXPORT_FILE_NAME is specified in the request, the value replaces 'Web Tracking Export'. Note: The string that follows the time is a unique identifier used to ensure that files are not overwritten if multiple files generated at the same time.

Data populated for each Event

DATABASE_ID - The ID of the database the contact belongs.

RECIPIENT_ID - The ID of the contact associated with the event.

VISITOR_ID - The Web Tracking Visitor ID associated with the event.

SESSION_ID - The Session ID associated with the visitor's session.

SESSION_START_TS - The Start Time associated with the visitor's session.

SESSION_LEAD_SOURCE - The Lead Source ID associated with the visitor's session.

REFERRER_TYPE - Indicates the identified referrer type that led the visitor to your site. Valid values are Mailing, Search Engine, URL, Social Network, and Direct.

REFERRER_NAME - Indicates the recognized referrer name based on the type that led the visitor to your site. Valid values are Search Engine Name, Website, Landing Page Site, Social Network, and Direct.

REFERRER_URL - Indicates the full referring URL that led the visitor to your site. Valid valid is the full-path URL.

REFERRER_MAILING_ID - If the referrer was an email, this value indicates the Mailing ID that led the visitor to your site.

REFERRER_KEYWORDS - If the referrer was a type of Search Engine, this value provides the visitor's Search Term that led the visitor to your site.

EVENT_ID - Indicates the unique Event ID associated with the web tracking event that is raised by the visitor.

EVENT_TS - The Event Time Stamp associated with the web tracking event raised by the visitor.

EVENT_TYPE_CODE - The numeric identifier associated with the event.

EVENT_TYPE_NAME - The Web Tracking event type: Site Visit, Page View, Click, Form Submit, Download, Played Media, Share to Social, or Custom Event Type.

EVENT_HYPERLINK_ID - The hyperlink passed with the associated web tracked events for Click and Share to Social.

PAGE_ID - The Page ID associated with a page in your landing pages site where the event originated.

EVENT_NAME - The Event Name associated with a page in your site.

PAGE_PARENT_ID - The form container page ID associated with the form contained in your landing page site. Note: This field is blank if no parent page is found.

PAGE_PARENT_NAME - The form page container type name associated with your form: std (opt-in standard form), Confirmation (Conformation page), Opt-out (Opt-out form), or Form. Note: This field is blank if no parent page is found.

EVENT_URL - The full URL to the page where the event occurred. If the event type code is Page View, the URL points to a page URL. If the event type code is a Click or Download, the URL displays the friendly name or Resource Name.

SITE_NAME - The name of your landing page site.

SITE_TYPE_CODE - Indicates whether a Site is Acoustic Campaign hosted (0) or External (1).

SITE_NAME - The name of the landing page site.

SITE_URL The full path to the Landing Pages site.

Data populated based on Event Type

SESSION_LEAD_SOURCE - Name of lead source associated with the referrer, if specified. Fully supported event types: Site Visit, Page View, Click, Form Submit, Share to Social, Custom Event types, Download, and Played Media.

REFERRER_URL - Full URL passed by the referring website, social network, or search engine.

REFERRER_MAILING_ID - The mailing ID associated with the referrer, if the visit was referred from an email.

REFERRER_KEYWORDS - The search term associated with the referred visit from a search engine.

EVENT_HYPERLINK_ID - The hyperlink passed with the associated web tracked events for Click and Share to Social.

PAGE_PARENT_ID - The form container page ID associated with the form contained in your landing page site. Note: This field is blank if no parent page is found.

PAGE_PARENT_NAME - (If REFERRER_TYPE: "Mailing") The form page container type name associated with a form (std - Standard Form, Confirmation - confirmation page, opt-out - opt-out form). Note: This field is blank if no parent page is found.

EVENT_URL - (If REFERRER_TYPE: "Search Engine" | "Website" | "Landing Page Site" | "Social Network") The full URL to the page where the event occurred.

SITE_DOMAIN_ID - (If REFERRER_TYPE: "Search"). The Domain ID associated with the landing page site or custom domain used for your external domain.

SITE_NAME - If present, the name of your landing page site.

SITE_TYPE_CODE - Indicates whether a site is Acoustic hosted or external. Valid values: 0 (Acoustic hosted) or 1 (External).