Get a collection of DLL whitelist domains

GET dll_whitelist_domains

The GET dll_whitelist_domains API returns a collection of DLL whitelist domains for your organization.
Results are given 100 domains at a time. You can navigate through multiple pages of results using the nextpageURL value in subsequent requests.



Only an org admin can call this API.

Resource URL




A custom page size and starting page can also be specified, for example:


Example response

    "meta": {
        "attributes": {},
        "generalErrors": [],
        "fieldErrors": {},
        "links": [],
        "nextPageUrl": null
    "data": [
            "id": 921,
            "name": "",
            "createdBy": {
                "id": 26662,
                "firstName": "City Cool",
                "lastName": "Marketing Team"
            "creationDate": "2021-10-01T03:36Z"
            "id": 922,
            "name": "",
            "createdBy": {
                "id": 26662,
                "firstName": "City Cool",
                "lastName": "Marketing Team"
            "creationDate": "2021-10-01T03:40Z"

Response codes

200OKRequest was successful.
400Bad requestMalformed, missing, otherwise invalid values supplied with the request. The error message will provide more details.
403ForbiddenThe user does not have access to this resource.
404Not foundThe requested resource was not found.