
Acoustic Campaign archives email tracking data after 450 days by default. You can modify this setting to reduce the number of days, but 450 is the maximum setting. For autoresponders, if the SEND or ACTION date ranges specified are greater than 450 days (or the number of days that are configured for archiving), you will receive an error message (returned from the call) specifying that the email was archived. If the date range spans both archived and available data for the email, Acoustic Campaign returns only the data available and does not return archived data.


Best practice

If your organization frequently requests data older than 30–60 days, leave the archive setting at 450 days. Try to refrain from requesting data older than one year to avoid including archived data in an export date range.

<ListRecipientMailings> (Get a contact email list) – Returns a list of Acoustic Campaign emails for a specified database (or query) and contact as well as metrics associated with those emails.

<GetReportIdByDate> (Extract report IDs for an email by date) – Extracts the report IDs for a particular Acoustic Campaign email sent between specified dates.

<GetSentMailingsForOrg> (Get sent emails for an org) – Extracts a listing of Acoustic Campaign emails sent for an organization for a specified date range.

<GetSentMailingsForUser> (Get a list of sent emails for a user) – Extracts a listing of Acoustic Campaign emails sent for the logged on user for a specified date range.

<GetSentMailingsForList> (Get a list of sent emails for a database) – Extracts a listing of Acoustic Campaign emails sent for a particular database and specified date range.

<GetAggregateTrackingForMailing> (Get aggregate tracking metrics for an email) – Extracts metrics for a specified Acoustic Campaign email.

<GetAggregateTrackingForOrg> (Get aggregate tracking metrics for an organization) – Extracts a listing of Acoustic Campaign emails sent for an organization for a specified date range and provides metrics for those emails.

<GetAggregateTrackingForUser> (Get aggregate tracking metrics for a user) – Extracts a listing of Acoustic Campaign emails sent by a user for a specified date range and provides metrics for those emails.

<RawRecipientDataExport> (Export raw contact events) – Exports unique contact-level events and creates a compressed file that contains a single flat file with all metrics.

<WebTrackingDataExport > (Export web tracking events) – Exports unique Acoustic Campaign web tracking events and creates a compressed file that contains a single flat file with all events.