Get the path of a folder or object - GetFolderPath

Used to return the folder path for a specified folder ID or a specified object ID (database, query, contact list, or email).

Elements (Required)

OBJECT_TYPE - The type of objects that are contained in the folder: Data or Mailing

Elements (Optional)

FOLDER_ID - The folder ID for the requested folder path. Another API call returns the Parent Folder ID. Note: If TYPE is Data, the FOLDER_ID is an integer. If TYPE is Mailing, the FOLDER_ID is a GUID.

OBJECT_ID - The ID of a requested email or data object. This is a List ID or Mailing ID returned by another API call.


Elements (Results)

SUCCESS - True if successful; False if not.

FOLDER_PATH - The folder path of the specified Folder or Object.

OBJECT_SUB_TYPE - The sub-type of an object that matches the provided object ID. This element is only populated when OBJECT_ID is passed in the request.

If the OBJECT_TYPE is Data, valid values are:

  • Database
  • Contact List
  • Query
  • Test List
  • Seed List
  • Suppression List
  • Relational Table

If the OBJECT_TYPE is Mailing, valid values are:

  • Template
  • Sent
  • Autoresponder
  • Inactive Autoresponder
  • Deleted