Get a contact's scoring model scores - GetContactScores

Return a specific contact’s Acoustic Campaign scoring model values.



Either CONTACT_ID or VISITOR_KEY must be passed for a valid response. If both are provided, the CONTACT_ID is used to look up the contact.

CONTACT_ID is the same as RECIPIENT_ID in other API calls.

Scoring models for a contact return based on the authenticated user's access.

If the contact is not scored and has null values in any of the returned Score Components, then the value is returned as . See "Example response: Contact with null values - XML".


CONTACT_ID - The ID of the contact you want the score values for.

VISITOR_KEY - The web tracking visitor key.

MODEL_ID - If specified, the method returns only the score values for the model. Otherwise, all scoring models return for the specified user.

          <DESC>This model is used to quality leads into SFDC promotions</DESC>
      <FaultString>Contact does not exist in the database or Contact List.</FaultString>

Elements (Results)

SUCCESS - True if successful; False if not.

MODELS > MODEL - XML Node defining each of the Scoring Models containing the elements ID and NAME.
ID - A child of MODEL. The ID of the scoring model.
NAME - A child of MODEL. The name of the scoring model.

SCORE_COMPONENTS - A child of MODEL. The components (or sections) that define the scoring model. Contains SCORE_COMPONENT and its children.
SCORE_COMPONENT - XML Node defining each defined score component in the model: KEY and VALUE.
KEY - A child of SCORE_COMPONENT. The name of the score component.
VALUE - A child of SCORE_COMPONENT. The value/score of the score component.