Extracts a listing of Acoustic Campaign emails that are sent by a user for a specified date range and provides metrics for those emails.
Elements (Required)
DATE_START - Starting Date in the format “mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss”
DATE_END - Ending Date in the format “mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss”
Elements (Optional)
OPTIONALUSER - Email Address element to retrieve emails for a user other than the current user who created the session.
PRIVATE - Retrieves private emails. If private or shared is not passed to the API, Acoustic Campaign returns both private and shared emails.
SHARED - Retrieves shared emails.
SCHEDULED - Retrieves scheduled emails. If no email type is passed to the API, Acoustic Campaign returns emails of all types.
SENT - Retrieves sent emails.
SENDING - Retrieves emails while sending.
OPTIN_CONFIRMATION - Retrieves Opt-in autoresponder emails.
PROFILE_CONFIRMATION - Retrieves Edit Profile autoresponder emails.
AUTOMATED - Retrieves Custom autoresponder emails.
CAMPAIGN_ACTIVE - Retrieves active Groups of Automated Messages.
CAMPAIGN_COMPLETED - Retrieves completed Groups of Automated Messages.
CAMPAIGN_CANCELED - Retrieves canceled Groups of Automated Messages.
TOP_DOMAIN - Requests top domain statistics for each email.
PER_CLICK - Requests the total clicks for each link in the email by Body Type.
EXCLUDE_TEST_MAILINGS - Requests to exclude Test emails. If you do not provide this element, Acoustic Campaign includes all Test emails.
<DATE_END>09/30/2011 14:14:11</DATE_END>
<![CDATA[API Demo Mailing)]]>
<SentDateTime>2011-09-21 08:49:55.0</SentDateTime>
Elements (Results)
SUCCESS - True if successful; False if not.
Mailing - XML nodes that define the instances of the sent email.
The following elements are children of Mailing:
MailingId - Returns the email ID.
ReportId - Returns the Report ID.
NumSent - Returns the number of contacts to whom Acoustic Campaign sent the email.
MailingName - Returns the email name.
SentDateTime - Returns the date and time the email was sent.
NumSeeds - Returns the number of contacts that are seeded into the email.
NumSuppressed - Returns the number of contacts that are suppressed from the email.
NumBounceHard - Returns the number of hard bounces.
NumBounceSoft - Returns the number of soft bounces.
NumUniqueOpen - Returns the number of unique opens.
NumGrossOpen - Returns the number of gross opens.
NumUniqueClick - Returns the number of unique clicks.
NumGrossClick - Returns the number of gross clicks.
NumUniqueAttach - Returns the number of unique attachment downloads.
NumGrossAttach - Returns the number of gross attachment downloads.
NumUniqueClickstreams - Returns the number of unique clickstream clicks.
NumGrossClicktreams - Returns the number of gross clickstream clicks.
NumUniqueMedia - Returns the number of unique media plays.
NumGrossMedia - Returns the number of gross media plays.
NumGrossAbuse - Returns the number of abuse complaints.
NumGrossChangeAddress - Returns the number of change of address replies.
NumGrossMailBlock - Returns the number of mail block replies.
NumGrossMailRestriction - Returns the number of mail restriction replies.
NumGrossOther - Returns the number of other replies.
NumConversions - Returns the number of conversions.
NumConversionsAmount - Returns the total conversion amount.
NumBounceHardFwd - Returns the number of hard bounces that occurred for forwarded contacts.
NumBounceSoftFwd - Returns the number of soft bounces that occurred for forwarded contacts.
NumConversionAmountFwd - Returns the total conversion amount that occurred for forwarded contacts.
NumClickFwd - Returns the number of clicks for forwarded contacts.
NumUniqueForwardFwd - Returns the number of unique forwards by forwarded contacts.
NumGrossForwardFwd - Returns the number of gross forwards by forwarded contacts.
NumUniqueConversionsFwd - Returns the number of unique conversions by forwarded contacts.
NumGrossConversionsFwd - Returns the number of gross conversions by forwarded contacts.
NumUniqueClickstreamFwd - Returns the number of unique clickstream clicks by forwarded contacts.
NumGrossClickstreamFwd - Returns the number of gross clickstream clicks by forwarded contacts.
NumUniqueClickFwd - Returns the number of unique clicks by forwarded contacts.
NumGrossClickFwd - Returns the number of gross clicks by forwarded contacts.
NumUniqueAttachOpenFwd - Returns the number of unique attachment downloads by forwarded contacts.
NumGrossAttachOpenFwd - Returns the number of gross attachment downloads by forwarded contacts.
NumUniqueMediaFwd - Returns the number of unique media plays by forwarded contacts.
NumGrossMediaFwd - Returns the number of gross media plays by forwarded contacts.
NumUniqueOpenFwd - Returns the number of unique opens by forwarded contacts.
NumGrossOpenFwd - Returns the number of gross opens by forwarded contacts.
NumAbuseFwd - Returns the number of abuse complaints by forwarded contacts.
NumChangeAddressFwd - Returns the number of change address replies by forwarded contacts.
NumMailRestrictionFwd - Returns the number of mail restriction replies by forwarded contacts.
NumMailBlockFwd - Returns the number of mail block replies by forwarded contacts.
NumOtherFwd - Returns the number of other replies by forwarded contacts.
NumSuppressedFwd - Returns the number of suppressed forwards.
NumUnsubscribes - Returns the number of Opt Outs.
TopDomain - XML nodes that define top domain reporting for the sent emails. Not populated if the option is not included in the request.
The following elements are children of TopDomain:
MailingId - Returns the email ID.
ReportId - Returns the Report ID.
Domain - Returns the domain name.
Sent - Returns the number of contacts that are sent for the domain.
Bounce - Returns the number of bounces for the domain.
Open - Returns the number of opens for contacts of the domain.
Click - Returns the number of clicks for contacts of the domain.
Unsubscribe - Returns the number of unsubscribe requests for contacts of the domain.
Conversion - Returns the number of conversions for contacts of the domain.
Conversion_Amount - Returns the total conversion amount for contacts of the domain.
Reply_abuse - Returns the number of abuse complaint replies for contacts of the domain.
Reply_mail_block - Returns the number of mail block replies for contacts of the domain.
Reply_mail_restriction - Returns the number of mail restriction replies for contacts of the domain.
Clicks - XML nodes that list tracking information for tracked hyperlinks. Not populated if you do not include this option in the request.
The following elements are children of Clicks:
MailingId - Returns the email ID.
ReportId - Returns the Report ID.
LinkName - Returns the link name.
LinkURL - Returns the link URL.
TotalHTML - Returns the number of clicks on the link in the HTML body.
TotalWEB - Returns the number of clicks on the link in the WEB body.
TotalTEXT - Returns the number of clicks on the link in the TEXT body.